A Magical Life: Health, Wealth, and Weight Loss

Done Is Better than Perfect with Lucy Liu

September 13, 2022 Lucy Liu Season 1 Episode 139

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Today's guest is Lucy Liu, life coach, health expert, and public speaker. Lucy helps overthinking women get unstuck and reach the next level in their lives and businesses.

Lucy has a plethora of tools to help you move forward, including ways to shut down overthinking, overachieving, and indecision. She'll give us pointers on how to challenge your own habits and thoughts to reach the life version 10.0 of you will be living.

Find information about speaking engagements, links to Lucy's social profiles, and her podcast, The Lucy Liu Show on her website: https://www.lucyliucoaching.com/

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Online: https://wholisticnaturalhealth.com.au

A Subito Media production

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A Magical Life Podcast on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/amagicallifepodcast/
On Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wholisticnaturalhealth/
Online: https://wholisticnaturalhealth.com.au
A Subito Media production

Magic Barclay:

Welcome back to a magical life. I'm your host magic Barclay today. I'm joined by Lucy. Lou. Lucy is a fantastic health expert and a podcast host. And I'm going to throw straight to Lucy. Tell us a bit more about yourself.

Lucy Lui:

Wow. Thank you so much for having me magic. I'm so excited to be here. So I am a life coach helping overthinking women transition into the next level because overwhelmed, goodbye, get unstuck and reach new goals so that you can live. And. Epic life, not a life that where you just feel you're surviving, but where you feel thriving and you've got amazing things and blessings coming towards you. So I've got a podcast as well, and I'm an author and speaker, and I just love inspiring women to live epic lives.

Magic Barclay:

Fantastic. Now we've called this episode done is better than perfect. And we were just talking off air. When I asked you what is something that you say to your clients to give them that kick in the pants? And this is what you came up with done is better than perfect. And I think many people, especially women when it comes to their health. And I know personally I've fallen into this trap with my weight. And it's like, no, it's not perfect. So it's not right. I think as women we're often told we have to be perfect. We have to be the best at everything, but I really love this done is better than perfect. Can you explain that a bit more? Oh,

Lucy Lui:

absolutely. Because throughout my years, coaching women, I would absolutely have to say the top mistake I see with women is over thinking. We have this tiny little voice inside of our, head that's telling you something, that's stopping you from taking actions or doing what you love, making the next ball, the move, or even could be doing too much. That little voice is against. Our will. It's that little double that's telling us things that are not true, but it's trying to protect us of course, but that doesn't get you anywhere. It gives you this spiral of overthinking moments. And I have, I've actually had clients tell me that spend time. Overthinking about how they're overthinking. So think about all the things you could have accomplished if you just took imperfect action and just lived your life as you will, without thinking too much. Right? Because overthinking by definition is thinking about something too much for too long. So don't be that women because. We can make up problems. The more we think we make up problems that might not even exist. So if you're constantly focusing on making this a habit, it becomes a loop. And the more you do it, the harder it is to stop this loop. And really many times this overthinking is a very sneaky form of also fear, but it's less obvious than fear and that will keep you from living the magical life that you deserve

Magic Barclay:

to live. I love that. and thank you for mentioning a magical life. I mean, we definitely provide this podcast so people can experience that. I always ask the same three questions of my guests and the array of answers, never ceases to amaze me. You've already touched on the first one, a little, which is what can your expertise do to accelerate health, be physical, emotional, spiritual, what are some other ways that you can help people with

Lucy Lui:

their health? I think. With anything you want in your life, whether it's your health, physical or mental or spiritual. I think it all starts with making a decision and that decision has to be firm and a very dedicated, committed decision. Uh, for example, if we just, you know, for example, overthinking, we just talked about that a little bit. I suggest that you add an X in front of that. So for example, I am an X overthinker. I'm an X overachiever, right? I, so what you want to get rid of in your life, you can start by creating that verbal boundary so that you are very clear. That's no longer the version of you where you choose to be. At one point in my own life, I was unhealthy. So stressed out to the point where I felt like there was something majorly wrong with me. I went to get tons of checkups at the hospital. and they all came back negative. There was absolutely nothing wrong with my body, but yet I felt like my body was falling apart. I had chest pain. I. I had trouble breathing. Like, I, I feel like air was not going through my lungs and I always have to take really, really deep breath, like gaps for air, like open my mouth and yawning and just very unhealthy at one point in my life. And I think I made a decision that I'm gonna change that. And it came out that it was just all stress. So I think it starts. Making that and having the awareness, right? Notice where you are stuck notice when it triggers these problems. And of course, overthinking is a big part of that. And it can be such a bad habit that you don't even recognize when you're doing it most of the time, because that's the natural way we react to things because we have. All these thoughts going on in our head and that they're repetitive and you feel most of these thoughts are normal, so you don't recognize them. But if you are conscious and very committed to making a change, once you are aware that you are making these changes and you. Turning on your awareness switch in your body. I promise you, you will start to catch yourself when things happens. And when you challenge your own thoughts and you start changing your focus and changing your perception of things in life. Trust me. Life is going to start changing. And when you have more abundant thoughts, your body will love it. And that's how you live a healthy and beautiful life.

Magic Barclay:

Now we also talk about wealth here. So wealth is not just financial, but the emotional wealth that you can have. So what are your top three tips to creating?

Lucy Lui:

I think creating wealth also starts with a decision. That you decide to step into that wealthy version of you. And when I work with clients, this is what I ask them to do to envision themselves in an upgraded version of themselves Perhaps they are version 1.0 right now. Right? It's like a computer. We do upgrades. What would version 2.0 of you do or think differently and what would version 10.0 of you do and think differently. So instead of making decisions from a point of fear, make decisions and live your life. Thinking and noticing how that wealthy 10.0 version of you, what would she do? What would she say, right? What would she tell you right now? Because you need to embody that person's thoughts and feelings in order to create the life that you truly want. If you're not thinking in the mindset of that version, then it's really difficult to move through your current circumstances because circumstances are just facts. No matter where you are in life right now. Right? Um, on my podcast, I've interviewed tons of women. Like whether they have 10 kids or they were, you know, uh, tons of money in depth. In the end, it was still possible to create the life that they want because they have this vision of how they would be at a higher level. So you have to embody that first in order to get there. So it's also a decision and a choice to be there.

Magic Barclay:

Now I do love talking about weight loss because. It's something that many people, especially women battle, quite needlessly. We know that stress can be a key factor in weight gain or in severe weight loss. And so people don't find their ideal weight for a number of reasons, often triggered by stress. So have you ever battled your weight and if so, what was. Your impetus to losing it. And what can you offer the listeners in their weight loss journey?

Lucy Lui:

Oh, absolutely. I think when it comes to weight loss we have to dissect it and look at it a little bit closer. Is it really a true, weight problem? For example, if you're unhealthy, you are, you know, diagnosed by a doctor to lose. that's a different question, whereas where we just think we're overweight. So you have to really differentiate the two, if you're unhealthily overweight, or you just think you're overweight because that's completely too different things. Right. Um, if you need help, seek help, because asking for help is so, so, so, so, so, so, so courageous, I really honor any women who seeks, help and get out to get a professional, to, assess their health, right. There are tests out there to test your DNA, to get. Gut health in order. So that's one route where you're really looking at the health part of your body. And there's the other part where we're mentally feeling overweight. So I think if that's the case, you also have to make a decision because body confidence is really a decision. You can be on either side. you can be fully confident about your body or you cannot. And all it takes is a decision because I've seen so many women, they are bigger in size yet. They just, oh my gosh, they just light up the room. When they enter, they just have so much energy and they are just Fully embodying that confident version of them because they know that their self worth has nothing to do with their weight. And I also know girls who are so thin. It's very thin that they struggle to put on weight, even though they, you know, look a certain weight, maybe they look like a model even, but yet they're unhappy about where they are. So in terms of mental weight, it's all about decision. And if you are healthy, Okay. It's all about living a healthy life. If you're healthy, you're free to dream hundreds of dreams, but when you're unhealthy, you can only have one dream. And that is to be healthy again. So if you're listening to me and magic, uh, You're in good health today. Good take action towards your dreams and stop overthinking. And if you feel you are unhealthy for real seek help.

Magic Barclay:

Definitely. I think so many people are body shamed into being quiet and that reaching out for help can be one of the hardest steps. But certainly something I've learned is you can't do it all alone. Sometimes you need a cheer squad. Sometimes you need a support team and reaching out to them really does help you do like a brain dump of all the really useless self harming thoughts that can be trapped and holding you back on, on your weight.

Lucy Lui:

Yes. And our perception of things is our own narrative in our own heads. But the good news is that narrative can change. So challenge your thought and be brave enough that first step like you talked about is gonna be the most difficult, but everything else is gonna be more. Forward, and it's gonna feel so good at the end if you make any transformation in life and that's the fun

Magic Barclay:

of life, it is. It's almost like unwrapping a present every day life it's. I mean, well, this is what it should be. People you need to be excited in the morning to go, wow, today's a completely new present that I get to unwrap and reveal. And it's what I make. you've got given like an empty box, it's not an empty box. It could be a box of unseen inspiration. It could be a box of fresh air. You know, there's always something there to unwrap.

Lucy Lui:

I love that so much. I cannot resonate more with you magic because one of my favorite qu is yesterday is history. tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift, which is why we call it the

Magic Barclay:

present. And isn't that a fabulous quote? I just love that one. Thank you for sharing it, Lucy. Now, where can people find you?

Lucy Lui:

Oh, check me out everywhere on social at M S L U C Y L I U that's miss Lucy, Lou I'm most active on Instagram, but same handle on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. Um, my podcast is called the Lucy Lou show. It's a feeling station weekly short episodes to fuel your mind. And life. And I'm also at Lucy, Lou coaching.com.

Magic Barclay:

Fantastic. Now we love freebies here. And so what I'm gonna do is send people to your podcast. So again, where can they find that podcast?

Lucy Lui:

It's on all platforms, just search for the Lucy Lou show. That's L U C Y L I U.

Magic Barclay:

Brilliant listeners. This was your episode. 1 39. Done is better than perfect. Thanks Lucy for joining us. I would love you to come back and do another episode. Is that okay?

Lucy Lui:

Absolutely. Thank you for having me.

Magic Barclay:

Perfect listeners. Thank you for your time. Go forth and create your magical life.