A Magical Life: Health, Wealth, and Weight Loss

What's Holding You Back? with Bo Bissett

Bo Bissett Season 1 Episode 141

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Today's guest is Bo Bissett, recovered addict who has dedicated his life to help others heal and avoid the pain that he had experienced.

Bo uses a combination of techniques and modalities to facilitate healing inside and out. Listen as Bo talks about the Amo breath, neurolinguistic programming, muscle testing, kinesiology, Meridian release points, and more.

Try out the Amo breath with Bo on his Youtube channel and learn the Amo breath free at https://amoniclear.com/amo-breath-magic/

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A Subito Media production

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A Subito Media production

Magic Barclay:

Welcome back to a magical life. I'm your host magic barley. And today I'm joined by Bo Bassett. He's from America, but left in his late twenties. He had a history of self-worth issues, which led to addiction problems and was in several car accidents in his teens and early twenties where he nearly lost his life and a few limbs. When he left the states, he didn't think he had much of a life left. Leaving really opened his eyes to the world. But did little to help him heal wasn't until his late thirties that he realized the end would be a lot more painful than he expected. And would take a lot longer. He decided to go all in on himself, turn his ship around. He bought him read every book he could on personal development, healing, and trying to be a better. No matter how hard Bo tried. He still couldn't find anything that really moved the needle for him two years ago, his wife and he had a near relationship ending argument. And that's when things started clicking, they both reached out to others and in that plea for help found what they needed now, Bo works using. A combination of modalities and techniques, including kinesiology, Meridian release points and NLP. And I'm not going to keep going on because Bo is so accomplished. I want him to tell you welcome Bo.

Bo Bissett:

Thank you. Imagine, thank you very much

Magic Barclay:

now. Wow. Your life turned around. Tell us about how that came about.

Bo Bissett:

in my late thirties, it was, my body just started breaking from all the alcohol. And there were just subtle signs here and there. And I had always thought that I would just drown myself and I just go to sleep one night and I wouldn't wake up. Um, I blacked out most nights, uh, from drinking and. That was, yeah, that's, that's kind of what I had hoped when I had, I had an accident when I was, uh, 19, I was in a car accident. I was a single person car accident. I was drunk at the time. and I ran off the road going like a hundred miles an hour, flipped over in the car a couple times. And, Knocked a telephone pole in half. The first cop on scene told, uh, called the ambulance and just told'em like, you know, take your time. This guy's, not gonna make it. Well, when they got there, they realized I was alive and that might make it. So they, you know, they did their best to get me. But, in that experience, I saw my grandfather who I'd never met. He died before I was born. he came to me while I was out and told me like it wasn't my time told me to go back. and I had regretted that decision for most of my life leading up to, to a point where I changed. I just didn't, I didn't want to go on, I didn't think I was worthy of, you know, the same things that my friends had success, the, uh, the stable relationships, or, you know, Relationships at all. I mean, I pushed myself away from my family, from friends, from money, from, from everything. And I just put myself in a state of lack and it was just a really horrible way of living. And yeah, when I realized that wasn't gonna turn out the way I wanted, I was like, alright, I've, you know, this is, I've gotta turn it around. Uh, I started, ingesting everything that I could regarding turning my life around and I read books. I took courses, I did everything imaginable and there was some things that clicked, a lot of it was just, uh, culmination. I think the first, the first book that I read really clicked was called molecules of emotion. And it was by like a neurophysicist and she was talking about the, connection that we have, how emotions affect us on a cellular level. And I was like, you know, this is, this is it. This is what I need to define and about. Maybe eight years later is when I, started stumbling upon the muscle testing and being able to peg emotions on our body and then release those and that's when my, like, immediately turned.

Magic Barclay:

I think many people have those moments that, you know, I guess we've looked at it as sliding door moments and you can either give up or you can invest in yourself exactly. Make those changes. So, exactly. It's great that you did that, but both you and your wife were going through something at the same time. How did you both deal with that, that time in your life?

Bo Bissett:

I like what you just said about investing in yourself, because I think that, that we get caught up in, in trying to do this and trying to do that, um, and trying to be, you know, something for others. And I think the most important thing for us to become the person that we're gonna become for ourselves and for the relationship that we're. is to invest in ourselves cuz you know how like when you get on the airplane and they go through the safety procedures and the, uh, the steward always tells you, like, you know, put your own mask on first, then you know, if there's a, if you have a child or someone else that's beside you, that needs help help them. Right. But you cannot help someone else if you don't help yourself first. And I think that. My wife and I really truly embraced that philosophy. And I mean, I had been previously and was teaching her to go about, you know, go about the same thing. But when that incident happened, when we almost lost each other, we really double down on ourselves and we've really doubled down on supporting each other. Through our own separate journeys. And that's really what helped us survive as a couple.

Magic Barclay:

so Bo I ask all of my guests the same three questions and all the answers I get. So amazingly different mm-hmm so here comes the questions for you. Okay. The first thing is what can your expertise do to accelerate health? Not just the physical health, but also emotional and spiritual health.

Bo Bissett:

That's a good question. What I do gets to the root of the issues that we have. I believe that the root of every issue that we have is an emotional. from the time, not far after we're conceived, our body starts embodying emotions. Um, it starts embodying energy in the form of emotions and our subconscious builds this profile of how it's emotional profile of how we view the world and how we navigate through that world. That the emotional embodiment that subconscious does dictates the decisions that we make. It just dictates how we feel about, uh, money, about how we feel about a mom or dad or family about, money, about, exercise, everything about butterflies. So that the emotions that we build and the profile that we build, push us along the path of life and to change that path that you're on, you have to change the emotions and the ammo finds the emotions and helps you move them. And then set you on the path of your intentions, because most of the time we have an intended path in mind, but because of the emotional profile that we've built, our subconscious is pulling us against our intentions. And that that pull is felt as frustration. So anytime that you're frustration, you know, your subconscious is going against your intentions. You want to lose weight. You want to make money. You want to be, uh, a good husband or wife. You want to, uh, do the best that you can for your kids. But there are subconscious programs that are keeping you thinking things, doing things, uh, feeling things. On a subconscious level that are slowly, that are self sabotaging your intentions and am finds those subconscious programs, removes them and removes that fight that you have between the subconscious and

Magic Barclay:

conscious. Can you just explain to the listeners what amny actually is?

Bo Bissett:

Yeah, of course. Amny I came up with the. Ammo in Spanish means I love me. And Chinese means you. So the philosophy basically means I love you. And the end result is for the, the individual during this process to believe, look in the mirror and actually say to themselves that I loved you. Like I love. Ammo is a blend of, uh, modalities, including, uh, muscle testing, Meridian release points on the body. Once we find the emotions with muscle testing, we can tag them and then release them based on those Meridian points, a protic breath called the ammo breath, and finally a little bit of a neurolinguistic program and to push them. further down that path of intention.

Magic Barclay:

Great. Now, look, we talk about wealth here as well. So not just financial wealth. So everyone thinks wealth is just money mm-hmm but personal and emotional wealth. So what are your top three tips to creating wealth?

Bo Bissett:

for creating world. I believe that the top thing that I would say would be revisiting what you just mentioned earlier about investing in yourself. And I think that would probably be like number one, two, and three, like invest in yourself. I think I was lucky that I went through the things that I did cause. If I hadn't been forced to look for a way to heal myself, I might have just gone down the, the path of mediocrity and ended up at a normal job and done normal work and done like a nine to five job and just like, come home and watch TV every night. And. in the pain that I manifested for myself, eventually I had to heal or, uh, it was gonna get a lot more painful. So that's when I really started investing in myself. And I think it's those, instances that we have in life that force us to reevaluate where we are and where we're headed that give us. That shake that shake us enough to realize like, wow, okay, this is not going the way I wanna, something's gotta change. And that's when we start looking. So yeah, investing in yourself, looking for the answers, and then persistence, keeping going down that path, even when you run into some doors that might not open for you or actually close, close in front of you and looking for more that do open. it took me eight years to find and develop the program. that is now am. and like I said, I went through hundreds of books and courses, mine valley courses, and thousands of dollars of, courses and, uh, events before I found what I was looking for. So, and that's why I'm here now. So I believe that my path has been, so. I can now help other people. So my pain was endured. So other people don't have to do the same.

Magic Barclay:

We also talk about weight loss here. So many people are dealing with weight issues, whether it be weight gain, or severe weight loss, and certainly. I know from experience that weight is just a symptom, but what can you share with the listeners about weight and have you ever battled it yourself?

Bo Bissett:

I have never actually bat a weight. It wasn't until the last like couple years when I was really started doubling down on my health, I was also started exercising, a lot, started lifting weight and getting into body building. And my thing was, I had trouble gaining. But as far as losing weight, you know, as, as far as addictions go, alcoholism is tough. But my wife suffers from, some weight issues. And I realized that the weight issues are so much more. I mean, it's in your face day long. I mean, we have to, we eat breakfast, we eat lunch, we eat dinner. So, you know, alcohol is something that's accepted, you know, as an. After five o'clock thing. So for me, like five o'clock, as soon as you turn five, o'clock like, uh, if I was in a social setting, I was on, you know, I was drinking. If I was by myself, I would drink much earlier in the day. But as far as losing, uh, weight or any weight to issue. Yeah. I mean, food is it's. We have to have food to eat. So I realized that that is much more D. For the way, I believe that everything is tied to, an emotion, uh, or a, a set of emotions that we've embodied and we use to deal with the world around us.

Magic Barclay:

Great. Now people can find you at your website, which is www.amonoclear.com. So that's a M O N. I C L E a r.com. They can also find you on YouTube at Bo BI and we love freebies here. So what frees can you offer the listeners?

Bo Bissett:

I think the biggest benefit that I could give, the AMO breath, uh, is a meditative breath. And again, AMO and Spanish means I love, so it's a love breath. It's healing with the, the power of love. So it's both a visual. And, uh, vibratory breath that we use when we're doing the muscle testing and the, Meridian release points. When we find and connect with the energy, we use the Amma breath to clear, and the way it works is, you imagine, uh, white light coming down from the universe from above, down to our crown of chakra through the sixth, fifth. Into our fourth chocolate, the heart center, and swirling around as that white light's swirling around. Imagine pulling any negative or dark energy into that, uh, vortex of white healing energy, the swirling around me in your chest. And then with the final, part of the ammo breath we imagined shooting out. So it basically goes like this, um, uh, With the three sounds, the, ah, being the light coming down the, mm, the vibratory sounds spinning the energy in your chest and the O sending it out, out, through your chest.

Magic Barclay:

Fantastic. Now, listeners, this was your episode, 1 41 with Bo in 1 42 Bo. Rejoin us and I have some questions about a monocle. So you'll learn all about that. Thank you again for your time. I really do appreciate it. Go forth and create your magical life.