A Magical Life: Health, Wealth, and Weight Loss

Naturally Inspired with Tammy Cuthbert Garcia

October 04, 2022 Tammy Cuthbert Garcia Season 1 Episode 144

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In this episode, I'll visit again with Tammy Cuthbert Garcia, holistic nutritionist helping others heal from the inside out. Tammy feels that it's most important to take ownership if your health because no one will advocate for yourself and your loved ones like you would.

In this episode, Tammy and I will discuss the transition from homeopathic medicines and traditions to the pharmaceutical industry as we know it now. All medicines were inspired by nature, but we need to be careful not to just use pills to silence our symptoms. In reality, symptoms are clues that your body is telling you something is wrong and if we're ignoring those, the root cause will never be addressed.

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A Subito Media production

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A Subito Media production

Magic Barclay:

Welcome back to a magical life. I'm your host magic Barclay, and I'm again, joined by Tammy Kaber Garcia, Tammy. In our last episode, we were talking. All things, learning and bettering yourself to increase your quality of life. And I'd really like to delve into that in this episode. Now you actually have your own podcast, naturally inspired podcast. First of all, can you tell us a little bit about the podcast?

Tammy Cuthbert Garcia:

Sure. So, as I mentioned in the first episode, I started the podcast as a way to deliver information to people who were looking for ways to, to feel better. Um, actually my tagline is I'm here to help people feel good so they can do what they love for longer. Because that's the goal, right. Who wants to live longer if you don't feel good? Um, so that's really what I set out to do. I was exposing things like acupuncture and chiropractic care and things like, biofeedback and PD, D T R, which is like a kind of emotional based healing. You know, we carry trauma in our muscles, um, and that's not widely known, you know, we can carry stress and, and trauma that we've experie. In our life in, in the physical. So those were types of things I was exploring. And then of course, you know, the virus hit. And so there was a need in the marketplace to address that kind of, um, information as well, which I've had the absolute, pleasure to, interview some of the top leading scientists in virology. And biology and medical doctors and filmmakers and authors. And I have just had a wonderful experience over the last two years, learning all that I can, um, about our health and what, what true health is and how it's cultivated. So it's a great thing. In addition to that, I do a daily show. where I outline different news articles that maybe aren't getting, the kind of spotlight that they need things about health that you may not know about recently in the us. One state year in the United States just passed a new bill that will dramatically change things, surrounding mental. Insurance. So I, I bring those types of stories to the forefront, and people's stories as well with their own personal experiences, just to spread that information, cuz it just didn't feel like it was getting out there enough. So that's naturally inspired daily and that goes out through the week as well. And then we do two podcasts a week with professionals and experts so we can, can kind of get our questions answered to. So it's been a wonderful journey. I definitely love what I do. Um, and I love knowing that I can spread this information all around the world.

Magic Barclay:

And thank you for doing that. That's an amazing service to the world. Now off air, before we started recording, we were talking about how the earth has. A natural source for everything that we use these days. And I know you mentioned in the last episode, a pill for every ill mm-hmm and I don't think people realize that the idea of how to make that medication actually is inspired by nature. So can you talk a little bit more with the listeners about sourcing. The non-synthetic medications and really using the earth to live rather than exist.

Tammy Cuthbert Garcia:

Oh, I love the way you put that. That, that is, that's a beautiful way to put that. Um, well I think to understand where we are today with the, belief system to reach for a synthetic, medication to, to heal or to. quiet symptoms. Cause it doesn't really heal anything at quiet symptoms. Um, we have to understand a little bit of our history and if you go back to the beginning of pharmaceutical care, before pharmaceutical care, we had things like tonics and we had, um, homeopathy. And we had, native American, traditions that were involved herbs and things from the earth. We had medicinal mushrooms. We had all these practices that were, you know, just budding. They really, this is a hundred years ago, right. More than a hundred years ago now, they were just butting and just starting to kind of find their stride. We had some, homeopathic schools. We had, you know, practitioners that were starting to understand things better and share their information. And then. We had the invention of petrochemicals and, you know, that came from the Rockefellers. They invented petrochemicals, which was a system delivery mechanism, essentially to put our plants, that were made in nature, UN patentable, anything that's, you know, occurs naturally in nature, you cannot patent, but if you take something from nature and you turn it into a synthetic form, And through petrochemicals and whatnot, um, you can all of a sudden patent it. And that is where our pharmaceutical industry came about. And as that, industry boomed what happened was with the invention of antibiotics was huge. And it was a saving grace for humanity and definitely has healed, you know, many people, but it did something. It conditioned people to think that you could take a pill and get an immediate result, right? You could heal. So you took antibiotics and your wound, your infection went away. And so that was like, wow, this is, this is amazing. Right? And for acute medicine, it is amazing. You know, if you break your arm, you can set it and it will heal better. You know, the, so for emergency medicine or acute injury, this style of. When it comes around healthcare is perfect. Like this is the way it should be. Absolutely. However what the pharmaceutical company aimed to do is to treat chronic illness in the same way. The problem with that is that chronic illness doesn't occur in an instant. It isn't caused by an injury. It isn't caused by an infection. It is caused. By by specific habits over time that have, have resulted in a breakdown of chronic disease. But nonetheless, um, the pharmaceutical company continued to pursue this as a way to cure or to heal. And so the belief because of the antibiotics and. The public grasped onto that and thought, okay, great. So I can take a pill for this back ache, right. And it's going to cure my back ache. Well, no, the pill actually only took away the symptom, which was the pain in your back. And unfortunately with that model, The healing never occurs. And because while you're doing is silencing, the signal that your body's producing to let you know something needs to change. And, um, so healing doesn't occur. And usually what happens is it gets worse or it goes somewhere else. Right. So something else will pop up on top of that. Then we get into things like polypharmacy as well, which polypharmacy is when people take pills for the side effect that their first pill is causing. And they're not. Quite putting that together. But, um, anywho, this is how this kind of progressed into what we see today. Whereas we feel that nothing we do can really heal, help, facilitate healing. We need pills and we need surgeries and experts to guide us and give us what we need to heal. And that simply isn't how the human body works. We can most definitely curate health and we can facilitate health when we give it what it needs. And we take away toxins, from our diets and from, from our lifestyles, then we, the body works through and. Begins to heal. And so, yeah, that's, that's kind of the understanding I have of how we got to this point of using pharmaceuticals. And so we've forgotten that the very basis of pharmaceuticals came from the plants, right? It all came from nature in the first place. So people are always so surprised when I tell them things like, you know, Willow bark is actually aspirin. No. Yes, it is. these types of things. They, you know, it it's, it's, it's, they're great conversation starters because we've become so far removed from nature and from being stewards of this planet, right. Using, responsibly, what it has to offer, offer us while curating. And taking care of it and loving it, living in, harmony with the planet, using what it has to offer and giving back right. By working the land by, by, um, not just taking, but there's a give. And take and one of my, uh, you know, I just think she's so amazing is Vanana Sheva. She has written a book about farming and in India and, uh, it's a fantastic book and it really does explain how, the karma, if you will, of the, of the world is off. When we aren't in this give take relationship. When we rely, you know, with the human human body and the planet, if you're not in relationship in balance with, with it in a relationship that's, it's off. Our bodies are off. We are meant to, to be with the earth, live with it. And, um, we've gotten so far removed by not even understanding that these medications we take actually started in nature. And they've been corrupted of sorts, I guess, if that's the right word, does, does that make

Magic Barclay:

sense? Makes perfect sense. And yes, that is the perfect word. So. When someone goes to a mainstream physician, be it a doctor, a specialist, even a naturopath, a mainstream naturopath. And they're issued with medications or supplements that they've never even heard before. Can't say the name of, it's not a tree. They've never heard of it in the garden. So what should they be asking other than what side effects. Will this give me, and what will you give me for the side effects? What else should they be asking?

Tammy Cuthbert Garcia:

Well, I always say there's two questions that I would ask if someone's offering me medication or, um, you know, supplements that I'm not familiar with, or, or even if I am familiar with one is, what will happen if I don't take this? That's good to know, because we need to know what we're dealing with. And, uh, you know, sometimes fear can be a great motivator, especially in a doctor's office when they only have 10 minutes or seven minutes to discuss this issue with you. So that's, that's a good question to ask what will happen if I don't take this? Um, the next question is what's my exit plan. Right. How, what, what, what's, what's the exit plan off this? Because if I go on this medication, I could find myself in a long term relationship with it, which may lead me to what I mentioned before polypharmacy, which is, you know, I don't think that sounds good to anybody. Um, so many people now when they get to be. An older age, they're on so many medications. Um, it's really hard to see where their actual signals their symptoms from their body. The signals I call them signals, cuz you know, this, this is what they are, right. A fever, a, uh, diarrhea, throwing up aches pains. These are this. These are signals our body. Giving to us to alert us even a tumor. This is a signal. Everything our body does is there to, for our survival. This is a survival mechanism we should think. Okay, I've got a fever. Yes. My body's working. I've got congestion. Yes. My body's working now. What, what can I do to facilitate healing? Okay. Instead we've been programmed when we feel a symptom to, to feel fear and to shut it off. And we have to kind of shift our thinking when it comes to that. So yes, we need to know what will happen if I don't take this, but we also need to know, what's my exit strategy here. How, how am I getting off this medication? Um, and if I'm not getting off of. What might this lead to does this lead to more medication? And if so, what does those, what do those side effects look like? Do I have any other options? That's what I would say. So those are my two questions that I always want people to ask when they're going in to see their, uh, medical practitioners. I think it's very important

Magic Barclay:

grade and listeners just remember for every synthetic thing that you put in your mouth, whether it be. For a medication, whether it be a food, like it's going to have some side effects, it's not of the earth. We as humans evolved to live of the earth and all indigenous populations around our world will tell you that you must live of the earth. And that doesn't mean just living, taking from the earth, but living, giving to the earth because you know, you can imagine driving your car and you never service. You never change the oil or the filters. I used to keep expecting it to give to you without you giving to it, you are going to end up on the side of the road in the rain or the hail or the beating sun at some point in time. If you don't service that car. So why are you not servicing

Tammy Cuthbert Garcia:

the. Yes, that's so true. I interviewed, um, Mickey Willis, he's a filmmaker. He recently had one of the most downloadable, uh, documentaries ever made. It was called plan demic. And, uh, he said something really profound. And one of the interviews I've interviewed him a couple of times, but he said that he spent some time in a native American, uh, reservation. And the biggest thing he took away from there was when one of the elders, um, he said, thank you for having. Here I'm so like, I feel so honored to be here. I'm learning so much. And the elder said, no, you're not learning anything. You're remembering, you're remembering who you are. And I thought that was so profound because our bodies know. But we've been trained and conditioned not to trust them. And our bodies are talking to us every day and we, we just have to learn how to listen and act on, on what it's telling us and trust and trust as well.

Magic Barclay:

That's a real well moment for us to end this episode on Tammy. People can find you at Facebook at Tammy Garcia on Instagram, Tammy Kaper Garcia. You also have your own podcast on YouTube and on all podcast platforms. It's naturally inspired podcast. Wow. It's been great talking to you. And I really think we'll probably have to chat again because this is a message that the people out there really, really need to hear. And that is that you can be naturally inspired and you can create a magical life. And it doesn't come from synthetic, chemical driven, toxic foods, medications,

Tammy Cuthbert Garcia:

and life. Yes, I could not agree more. And thank you so much magic for having me on your beautiful podcast. I can't wait to dive in and listen to some more episodes. This was a wonderful time. Thank you

Magic Barclay:

very much. Uh, listeners, thank you so much for your time. We really, really do appreciate it. So if you are over in the us, definitely look Tamy up. If you are here in Australia, of course, come to holistic natural health.com.au. That's holistic with a w we're in this together. We really are. I know that's a phrase that my goodness for the past two years has been rammed down our throats, but let's do it without toxicity. Let's do it without chemical repercussions, synthetic repercussions, and let's go forth and create your magical. Yes

Tammy Cuthbert Garcia:

well said

Magic Barclay:

Now in episode 1 45, we have David Pasco talking about how to live a remarkable life. So for now, listeners, thank you for your time. As I said, go forth and. Your magical life.