A Magical Life: Health, Wealth, and Weight Loss

Living Life Remarkably with David Pasqualone

Subito Media Season 1 Episode 146

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Today's guest is David Pasqualone, host of the Remarkable People Podcast, marketing guru and professional coach. David's childhood was quite difficult as he dealt with abandonment, poverty, and ill health. David's doctors dismissed his symptoms for years, assuming it was psychosomatic, but David didn't give in. He insisted on testing until they found the root cause of his problems: a brain tumor that came back 3 times.

David has learned how to have faith that God will provide, as long as he follows his calling. David's advice is to take action on the things you know you need to do, even if they seem impossible, advocate for yourself, find your passion, and live within your means.

You can learn more about David and his programs at his website: davidpasqualone.com

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A Subito Media production

Magic Barclay:

Welcome back to a Magical Life. I'm your host, Magic Barclay, and I'm again joined by David Pasco alone. Now David is the facilitator of the Remarkable People Podcast. Welcome, David.

David Pasqualone:

Hey, how are you? Magic. Thank you for having me.

Magic Barclay:

Doing great, and thanks for rejoin. Let's just investigate your podcast. What do you talk about on Remarkable People Podcast?

David Pasqualone:

So the whole premise of The Remarkable People Podcast is sharing stories of people's lives that not only focus on what they achieved or overcame. But they share the practical steps of how they did it so we can too. So we have guests on all the time that you've never heard of, you will probably never hear of, but their stories are truly remarkable, inspiring, and we can learn so much from them. And our slogan for the podcast is, listen, do repeat for life. So whether it's our podcast or any other source of knowledge in the world, Don't just listen to it, but do what you're learning that applies to your life. Repeat it each day so you can have an awesome life in this world and more important attorney to come. So that's The Remarkable People Podcast in a nutshell. The whole purpose is to help each other grow so we can love and glorify God.

Magic Barclay:

Many people, I guess, go out into the world. And they're kind of disassociated from their feelings, disassociated from their actions. How can people, I guess, really link up their thoughts, their feelings, their actions, and live life remarkably, Like, what are your top tips there?

David Pasqualone:

That's a great question. Everybody learns differently, but we're all humans. There's one race, the human race, and I don't care what culture you're from, I don't care what background you have. Repetition is incredible. And when we've been lied to, verbally abused, mentally abused, emotionally abused, someone that's physically abused, That goes deep, Deep, deep wound takes time to heal. So what we need to do is continuously fill our brain with good truth. So I'm a big believer in scripture reading my Bible, you know, having a personal relationship with God. But if you were to. Everything that you're struggling with, no matter what area of life it is, and the Bible says, cast your cares upon me for my burn is easy and my yolk is light. So what I do in my personal life is to reprogram my mind. is, I take all the negative things I'm thinking, you know, did you ever wake up and your, your stomach hurts, your stressed, you keep going to sleep, waking up, going to sleep, wake up. I haven't had that problem in like a year since I started doing this. So what I do is I get up, I, read the verse that says that Jesus is saying, you know, Cashier cares upon me and I'm like, God, you promised. And then as fast as I can, I dump my brain and I go and I write down everything bothering me. I don't go into paragraphs, it's just bullet points. And then once I list them all out, I pray and I say, God, these are yours. I'm gonna do my part. Thank you for the ability, but help me. To relax, to trust you, and just move forward the best I can. And every time I do that magic, I sleep like a baby afterwards. Then I'll get up the next day and after, you know, everybody has their own routine, but I'll look at that list and those are lies. Every time it might be a fact like, okay, you might be factually ill. That's a fact. But the diagnosis or the outcome is unknown. That's the truth. So what I do is I go down the list of all the lies that Sam tries to torment me with and make my life miserable and useless with, and then I write the truth. On a separate sheet of paper for every single one. And when you do this, you start seeing less and less burdens in your life and less and less worries, cuz you see they're all working themselves out. So then, I take all the lies, I give it to God, I write down all the truth, and then there's times where I'll put a verse by each. So I remember this is a promise from God. This isn't just wishful thinking. So then I take the the lie sheet, I burn it. Some people can throw it away, but I like to burn it. And then I have a truth that I put in a notebook. And then when I'm not having these issues, I just repetitiously just read through the truth and I'll read it out loud by myself. You know, I'm not reading it to like friends, but I'll sit there and read the truth, the truth, the truth, the truth, and I'll do it over and over again. And I can tell you in this last year, I just turned 45. What a phenomenal difference, just speaking truth in life has been in my life.

Magic Barclay:

That's some more amazing tips there and I think we can really listen to that and really take that to. Not all of us believe in God, but there certainly is something there that drives you, that's outside you. Whether you see it as God, whether you see it as source, creator, whatever. You're not in this alone. That's, that's the big thing, you know, in the depths of despair or even in the highest of highs, you're not in this. You need to know that something out there in the universe has your back and you know, it doesn't matter if you see it as God or if you see it as something else. It's just really important to know that there's always something that's got your back. And you know, I just love that, that idea that. We're never alone in what we do because I think so many people, you know, walk around almost with their head in the sand, feeling that they are alone, feeling that they have no one on their team, no one on their side, but there is always someone and listeners, I need to tell you what I'm seeing behind David. There's this gorgeous little dog there. And you know, he's just chilling out, having a snooze. He was having a little bit of a buck before, and you know, whether it's your pet that's by your side every day that you might forget about or take for granted because you know, then they might not do much. They might just be sitting on the couch or in their bed all day or whatever. You are not alone. That pet is there for you. That pet is there to build your soul. Whether it's the plants that you adore and you know, nourish and help flourish, they're there to help you build your soul. Whether it's God that you see, you know that you have that support system there again there to nourish and build your soul. You are never ever

David Pasqualone:

alone. Yeah, I, I think that's very well said. And you know, there's levels of healing just like anything else. And you know, ultimately we want to, you know, sometimes pets, you know, I don't know about where you're at in Australia where the listeners are all over the world, but you have people, especially who've been in war, they get these pets for PTSD and trauma. and they really help. But the next level is to unlock that. So now you communicate with humans and you rebuild your inner circle, and then you get to the point where you know you're rebuilding a relationship with God or you know what I mean? So I personally believe in God completely, and I believe in the Bible, but no matter what your belief system is right now, I do encourage you to read the Bible. And this is why you can start off read a proverb a day. Proverbs are very short chapters, a few verses, and it's wisdom and it's like scattered all different topics, but it's never wrong. And the Bible's been used in every country as a historical research tool and it's never been wrong. And everything about the Bible. Love, and it's encouraging if you're reading it right and you know there's warnings and there's sobering thoughts, but it's all to help us to live a joyful, peaceful life. So if someone listening right now is, I don't believe in God. Okay, that's fine. But read Bible then as a book of wisdom because there's so much truth that we can apply to life. And as you're reading it, you might have read something 10 times and it just jumps out at you. And I believe, and I think I can prove this, somebody can challenge me. All truth comes from God. And anything that works in life or business, you can tie back to a scripture inverse. So you know, one of the greatest books ever written. Is like for Man's Standard is Dale Carnegie's How to Win Friends and Influence People, Right? It's been translated tons of languages, millions and millions of copies sold. But when you go through Dale Carnegie's tips for Communication, every single one of them can be tied back to verses in the Bible. So it works because it's God, not because it's Dale Carnegie. So I challenge you read. Your Bible, read it. You know, get a Bible. Read it. If you want to know, love, read John. If you want daily advice, start off in Proverbs if you want to, you know, if you're hurting, open up. Psalms and I never understood Psalms until 2015 and I was in so much pain and trauma. I finally got it. I started in Psalm 51 and started moving forward. So the whole Bible's. I'd encourage you to read any part of it, but typically the New Testament's easier to read and it's more practical to our lives today in a direct fashion. So, but what you're saying, magic, totally true. From pets to people to our own relationship with God, we just need to get to the point where we're communicating and have peace.

Magic Barclay:

Totally. Now, David, is there anything else that you feel the listeners need to hear? What can help them on their journey of life make today better than yesterday? Any more information for them?

David Pasqualone:

We live in a society that it doesn't matter what country you're in. That good is becoming evil, and evil is becoming good. So people are calling things that are grossly negligent, gross sin, absolute mental illness. They're calling those things normal, and then they're taking anybody with a view that's outside of that and there's a cancel culture and there's people being beat. For just stating their opinion. There's people that are losing their careers cuz they're stating their opinion. I believe that whatever we believe we need to live out and never compromise that. You know, Winston Churchill never, never, never quit. You need to know what you believe and. Then you need to stand on that. Now that doesn't mean we can't learn and grow and change our opinion, but like what I'm saying is there's certain things that I believe are steadfastly wrong. I believe that pedophilia is wrong. Okay? In the state of California and America, some horrible humans not only thought to bring that to the to that it's okay, but they actually put it on a ballot to vote. That's just sickness. If you want to have sex with a child, you are sick and that child is a child. They shouldn't be thinking about that. Okay? So what I'm saying is you need to know what you believe and why don't be a blind sheep. That just follows everything. Men Math does it where we were just talking about how the Bible is God's truth and completely trustworthy in life. In the existence we live in. If you wanna know the truth about governments, if you wanna know the truth about politics, if you wanna know the truth about economics, follow the money. Men lie math does it. So in my parting thoughts, it's be who you are. Don't be afraid to grow or change, but don't co. Never compromise, never quit. And if you want the truth, track it down, put the effort in, and usually the easiest way is follow the money. When you follow the money trail, you know what's really going on.

Magic Barclay:

Fantastic words, listeners. This was your episode 1 46, Living Life, Remarkably with David Pasco Alone. You can find David at his website, david paone.com. You can also find him on Facebook. And, uh, Remarkable People podcast. Thank you so much for joining us again, David. It's been fantastic chatting with you.

David Pasqualone:

Oh, thank you. Magic. And to your listeners, if you guys need anything, just reach out and ask. I'd love to be able to help you.

Magic Barclay:

Thank you listeners, thank you so much for your time. We really do appreciate it and we really hope that we're adding to your life experience today and every day. Coming up in 1 47, Locklin Dunn is rejoining us. You might remember him from episodes 1 23 and 1 24. He's an amazing 22 year old. Dynamo and he will be talking to us again in our next episode. Listeners. For now, go forth and create your magical life.