A Magical Life: Health, Wealth, and Weight Loss

The Key To Communication with Brenden Kumarasamy

October 26, 2022 Brenden Kumarasamy Season 1 Episode 148

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Today's guest is Brenden Kumarasamy, communication expert. Why would I have a communication expert on a health podcast, you ask? 

Communication is how you interact with every human, including yourself and your healthcare team. How would your life change if you were an exceptional communicator? How can you create and nurture relationships and create accountability for yourself to reach your goals?

Brenden is the founder of MasterTalk, a coaching business he started to help ambitious executives & business owners become TOP 1% communicators in their industries so that they can accelerate their success in the workplace & companies.

He also hosts a successful YouTube channel by the same name with over 11,000 subscribers.

He has coached many executives from companies like Salesforce, Amazon, IBM, Morgan Stanley, Blue Cross, J. Walter Thompson, Deloitte, Verizon and the list goes on.

You can connect with Brenden at https://www.rockstarcommunicator.com/

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Magic Barclay:

Welcome back to a Magical Life. I'm your host, Magic Barclay, and today Brendan joins me and we're talking about communication is key. Now, Brendan is the founder of Master Talk. He coaches ambitious executives and entrepreneurs to become the top 1% communicators in their industry. He also has a popular YouTube channel called Master Talk with the goal of providing free access to communication tools. Everyone in the world welcome, Brendan

Brenden Kumarasamy:

Magic. It's great to be on. Thanks very much for having me.

Magic Barclay:

Thanks for joining me now. I'm quite passionate about communication and hence this podcast. I love to communicate ideas and information and just help people become the. Better versions of themselves. And something I learned about communication early on was that it's a great tool for self development. It's a great tool for communicating not only with yourself but with others about your health. And so, you know, some of the listeners might be wondering, Why is a communication expert on a health podcast? And that's my take on it. So I'm going to ask you my top three questions that I ask everyone that comes on. And really I want you to explain to the listeners why communication is so important. So your first question is, what can your expertise do to accelerate health, be it emotional, spiritual, or physical?

Brenden Kumarasamy:

Absolutely magic, and it's a wonderful way of starting the conversation. I love your take on this as well, but I'm happy to give mine. Communication is so much more than giving a presentation at work. It's so much more than getting the next salary increase or the next sale in our businesses. Communication is every interaction that we'll have with every human being that we'll meet for the rest of our lives. It's the way that we talk to our families. It's the way that we order food at a restaurant. It's the way that we talk to strangers when we travel to exotic places around the world and we meet new friends and friendships. But more importantly, it's the way that we talk to ourselves. And self-talk and communication with others is a big component of health because if we don't have the right friendships, the right ties, the right relationships with people, it's really difficult to lead a healthy life because health is so much more than just eating the right things. We're doing the exercises, which of course are vital parts of health. It's also about having healthy relationships around you, healthy styles of communication so you don't feel stressed out by the people around you. And that's what communication allows us to do. So the question I would encourage all of your audience to think about magic. It's one that we haven't really thought of so much as a society, which is how would my life change if I was a great communicator? How would your life change if you were an exceptional communicator? Really start reflect on that question so that you can find the answers that you're looking for and you can start working on it for your health in every area of life, Frankly. Wow. Couldn't have said it better myself. And something I find with a lot of my clients that come to my practice is that their communication skills are lacking or their. Not just that they're lacking, but their self confidence in their communication skills is lacking. And you know, maybe they've come to me because they're a bit disillusioned about the medical system because they didn't feel empowered to communicate clearly. You know, Why are you saying that? What does that mean? Like they just don't feel they have that balance of power. So, I'm a big one for communication skills. Now, what are your top three tips to creating wealth? Not just financial, but also personal and emotional wealth? Absolutely magic. Love this. So, a couple of tips that I would give for wealth. I would say the first one is really understand the definition of wealth for yourself, because all of us have very different means of success and how we think about it. So for me, a success simply means making 50,$60,000 a year, but doing what I love every single day. That's more important to me. And of course, you know, thankfully, knock on. With what I've I've been able to do in my business, I do better than that. But that's really what my definition of success was. So when we start with what wealth means for us, it becomes a lot easier for us to optimize against that. That's the first principle I would share. The second principle I would share is wealth is not necessarily about how much money you make, but how much money you keep. So I would encourage you to start thinking about what are the areas of your life. Or areas where you're spending money where you shouldn't be, so that you can create the peace of mind that money buys you. You know, Alex Hermo always says, Money buys freedom. Doesn't mean you need to be a multimillionaire, but if you're making 50 grand a year and you're save five or 10 of them, every year, you're able to create that piece of mind because you have more than you need. And that would be my be my second piece of advice. And then my third piece of my, Going back to what you said, magic to. Wealth is so much more than just financial, but it's also spiritual and emotional. So I got this from one of my coaches and mentors. She said, Create a bliss list. So a bliss list is simply this. What are three easy things that bring you joy every single day that you can do a bit more of every day? So an example of that is gratitude exercises, going through what you're grateful for. Whenever we appreciate something, it appreci. Even more. So gratitude is a big piece, but also figuring out what brings you happiness. Like for me, it's dancing alone in my mother's basement. It's karaoke in different languages. It's yelling at my friends, over heated debates, over dinner, and annoying everyone else at the restaurant. Those are the things that bring me joy. So, Pick what those things are and make sure they're easy. Not like going to The Bahamas for two weeks, but something easy that you can do on a daily basis, whether it's meditation, whether it's listening to a podcast, whether it's reading a few pages of a book, and just implement more of that into your life, because if you do that, you'll feel like you're in control of your life as well.

Magic Barclay:

I love that that world view is dancing in your mother's basement, That's so

Brenden Kumarasamy:

cool. I appreciate it. Yeah, I definitely do enjoy it.

Magic Barclay:

Now we do talk about weight here, and many people find that stress is the key issue in their weight problems. So have you ever battled your weight? What was the trigger to lose it, if you did, and what can you offer the listeners to reduce stress?

Brenden Kumarasamy:

Absolutely. I, I haven't had much weight issues, but definitely issues around lack of exercise. There were definitely moments in my life where I didn't take care of myself too much. Uh, in my early twenties, I would sleep on average for five hours a day and it wasn't really good for, for me. And I felt a really help, to me is getting excited about my future self. I feel a lot of the reason why most of us have trouble changing. We generate associate change with pain, and when we feel there's pain in the way that we change, we start to think, Oh my God, this is not something I wanna do. This is not something I wanna work on, versus asking yourself. A couple of other questions, which is, what is the easiest possible win that I could do on a daily basis that builds momentum over time? Which in many people's case, it could just be walking every day for 30 minutes. That's improvement. That's one piece. The other piece I would, I would talk about is really getting excited about our future self. So let's talk about something random, like the six pack apps as as a placeholder. Even if getting a six pack AB is really difficult, well, it's not impossible. I'm sure a lot of people can. It's more important to get excited about what that brings us. Oh, I might have a nice, uh, beach body or something we selfishly want and making a list of those things. Oh, I could, uh, care, like one of the reasons I, I wanted to improve my exercise magic was because, you know, when I have a niece or nephew, one was born a few months ago, I wanna make sure I'm able to carry that baby. I don't wanna have the lack of arm strength not be able to enjoy that experience that I feel is important. So, so, Down. How would your life change if you, if you lost the weight, if you were healthy, and start to dream about that. And then the third piece that I would recommend is don't leave your goals in it on a shelf. Share them with people. Create accountability. And that doesn't necessarily always mean hiring a coach if you don't, you can't afford one just yet, but it does. Creating situations where you're forced to share your goals with other people so that you can progress much faster and the world holds you accountable to that standard. You know, when we want to make a difference, it's all about changing an identity. And if we're the person. Who wakes up every morning and goes to the gym, they'll be the person that other people see us as. We need to communicate our goals more often to the external world, whether it's our family or friends, and ideally our trainers and the people around us that support us with those goals.

Magic Barclay:

And I'm glad you mentioned communication there, because that is the key. You know, you can't expect a support network if you can't communicate clearly what it is that you need from them and what it is that you're trying to achieve.

Brenden Kumarasamy:

I completely agree. I I, I absolutely love the tie in. You're, you're a hundred percent correct magic. It's the idea that if we don't communicate our goals or dreams or aspirations with other people, how will other people know how to support us versus if we take that temp, We don't need to be master communicators for this. It's simple. We can sit down with ourselves for 20 minutes, write it down in a piece of paper and say, These are my goals. Now I can go out and share it with the person I'm the most comfortable with and build that over time and once feel the taste magic of sharing a goal and getting support. That's when we really get excited about doing it over and over again. I remember the first time I shared my goals of growing my business, doing great things. The support just came, and there's a great quote by this. When the student is ready, the teacher appears. So when you're willing to share your goals out with the world, you'll find out there's a lot of people in your network that want to see you win, that want to see you succeed. They just don't know you're going through this, or that's something that you wanna work on, versus when you share that out, they'll start to come up with ideas that you didn't even think of. And I've done that a lot in my career, and I continue to do that today.

Magic Barclay:

Fantastically said, Now Brendan, people can find you@www.rockstarcommunicator.com, what can they find there that will help them on their pathway to finding the key of communication?

Brenden Kumarasamy:

Absolutely magic. What a pleasure to be on your show. Thanks so much for having me. The, the first way is definitely what the rockstar communicator.com gives us is I do a free training every few weeks. Magic on public speaking communication. This is entirely free. It's live, it's interactive, it's fun. So for those of you who really wanna engage with their communication skills, I highly recommend you register for this at the website, Rockstar Communicator dot. And if you'd like some immediate help, feel free to just check out my YouTube channel as well. You can type master talk in one word, and you'll have access to hundreds of videos on communication, public speaking, that you can view right away and start working on this skill.

Magic Barclay:

That is brilliant. Now, there's so much more I wanna talk to you about, so I'd love for you to join me in our next episode. Is that. Of course. Terrific Listeners, this was your episode 1 48. Thank you for your time. Go forth and create your magical life.