A Magical Life: Health, Wealth, and Weight Loss

Live Life With No Regrets with Cindy Van Arnam

November 15, 2022 Cindy Van Arnam Season 1 Episode 151

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Tired of the old and archaic systems that no longer support us, Cindy is passionate about helping emerging entrepreneurs fully discover their own limitless power so they can create sustainable wealth through their passion and service to their higher purpose. Combining her strategic business savvy with Quantum Numerology and Universal Laws, Cindy teaches healers and changemakers the tools they need to first and foremost, master themselves.  This gives them the ability to create a solid foundation for their business that will stand the test of time, even in a rapidly changing world. 

In the midst of a paradigm shift, it is up to us to take responsibility for ourselves and stand unshakeable in the storm.  There is an easier way, if we are willing to do things differently. It is time to take the reins of your business and stop allowing your business to run you. 

Having deeply immersed herself into the shadow of her own soul and healing old wounds of drug addiction, emotional abuse and trauma, Cindy now sees her own limitless power and is here to lead other entrepreneurs to discover the same.   Cindy is a certified Universal Laws Coach, Facilitator of Mastering The BrainGAME, Quantum Numerologist and Strategic Operations Manager.

Connect with Cindy and find the link to her free call and a free workbook at https://cindyvanarnam.com

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A Subito Media production

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A Subito Media production

Magic Barclay:

Welcome back to a Magical Life. I'm your host, Magic Barclay, and I'm again joined today by Cindy Van. Um, Cindy has been through so much in her life and it has led her to where she is today being certified Universal Laws coach, program manager of Mastering the Brain Game Master Quantum Numerologist. And Chief Operations Officer for Mind Shift, llc. Welcome back, Cindy. Thank you so

Cindy Van Arnam:

much. I'm excited for this conversation.

Magic Barclay:

Thanks for rejoining us. Now, we touched in episode one 50 on a few things that you do, but I really wanna open that up. So can you tell us, first of all, numerology, what is it, how does it work, and how can it be applied to the situations people are finding themselves in?

Cindy Van Arnam:

Mm. Yes. Love this question. Favorite topic of all time. Numerology is an ancient science that has been covered up and hidden and put in secret libraries and made out to be some sort of woo woo magical thing. And Numerology is actually a intuitive science. Everything when it, when you boil it down to it, it comes down to math, and that's what numerology. So everything in the quantum field has a mathematical code to it. Now we've simplified a lot of this system and we've gone back to the absolute like foundation of numerology with the system that we use to really dive into what our mathematical code is as a human being, as a soul, and what lessons we came here to learn, what challenges we might be facing, how. Think how we relate in our relationships, how we express ourselves. There's literally no answer you cannot find in numerology, which is what I love. Anybody asks me a question, I'm like, Hmm, I'll just go look at your chart and I'll find the answer to that right away. So for me, numerology was the key to my awakening. It helped me, uh, see myself. When I first received my first reading, it was as if I was remembering who I was. It didn't seem unfamiliar. It was as if somebody was talking to my soul before I was born and saying, This is what you chose. And as I've developed my skills as a reader, as I've worked very, very closely with my business partner, Joy Kingsborough, we've just uncovered more and more of these pieces. Um, she is a channel for East Stream of consciousness that we call Jonah. And Jonah has brought this work front and center for us, and we're moving this work out into the world in a big way. It really can answer any question you've got.

Magic Barclay:

So to do someone's numerology, what kind of based data do you need?

Cindy Van Arnam:

Yeah, the, I love that you asked this question because in astrology, we often need the time of, uh, birth. Now, I'm not an astrologer. Um, I don't have a lot of experience with astrology, but with numerology, usually what we ask for is the full date of birth. We don't need the time, but we can also look at it just from the month and the day of birth as well. If we don't have the year and we have actually done readings for people who don't know their date of birth, who ended up on the Firehouse Station steps and don't have any idea of when they were born, we can actually do some intuitive work to get very, very close to their numerology. Um, it's interesting that you bring this question up. I just had a guest on my podcast yesterday who. Thought his date of birth was one day, but then 30 years later received his birth certificate and it was the next day. So as I was doing his numerology reading, he said, That doesn't really resonate with me. And he told me his other date of birth. So I did numerology for that and instantly we knew that that was his real date of birth. So we get to play with it a lot, but most of the time I ask for a full date of birth cuz that gives me a really clear picture.

Magic Barclay:

I'm glad you mentioned that because I'm aian and I love the fact that I know I'm aian, but there is no way I can actually tell you what time I was born. I know what day I was born, but my mother never remembered what time. So, you know, when I've tried to look at what moons and sons and blah, blah, blah are everything, it's like, well, you need the time. So, so many people just don't have.

Cindy Van Arnam:

Yeah, and what I love the most, I actually booked myself an astrology reading about a year and a half ago because I was really curious to see how the two lined up. And I had been working with numerology for about four years at the time, and I booked a numer, uh, an astrology reading with someone who was very highly referred and. As she was give, delivering the reading to me, I'm like, Oh my goodness. Like it was so on point with my numerology and I was literally just going check already doing that check, already doing that check, already doing that. So I actually found out I wasn't missing anything, from not knowing my time of birth with astrology, and it was right on point. The as astrological system is actually birthed out of numerology as well because everything boils down to math in the long. That is

Magic Barclay:

so cool. Now tell us what is the brain game?

Cindy Van Arnam:

Mm, The brain game. The brain game is a transformational journey that absolutely saved my life and has saved countless other people's lives in understanding, number one, the. Emotional mastery. And number two, letting go of control. So fundamentally it's a 10 week transformational journey. It's you work with a coach in order to do it, you could either do it through group or private, and it's a 10 week journey where you are being walked through the law of divine. So we walk you through six stages in that law of divine timing where we start at a point, cuz it's, it's circular. Nothing is linear. So we just pick a pinpoint. We start at awareness of understanding what it is that you want or what it is that's going on with your emotional state. Perhaps you're in a place where you don't even know what's going on, and so we bring you into that awareness. Then we step into the next stage of divine timing, which is acceptance and bringing everyone into an acceptance of, I made mistakes. This is who I am. I'm willing to forgive myself. I'm willing to forgive the other people, and really restoring the flow of life. Because oftentimes, if we're holding on to anything, if we have not accept, Then we're really just holding on and harming ourselves. So we walk you through that process and then move you into self responsibility, which is choosing of choosing the life that you want to live of really stepping forward. And we work on multiple different levels. This, this journey works with, you know, health wealth entrepreneurs. I've seen it done. Corporate we, we use it in all different areas of the world and then we move into activation where we're helping you to understand that it's not your job to know how. one of my biggest things before is I worked as a virtual assistant and I had a belief that if I just worked a little bit harder, Somehow I would break through and have that magical$5,000 month. I remember that moment so clearly, and I just kept hustling and grinding and trying to control the material world. And when I went through the brain game, I remember Joy telling me, you know, if you just went out on the patio and meditated more, you'd make more. And I thought, What is this woman talking about? I was so confused. And then I said, Well, what else do I have to lose? Cuz I was broke. I was living PayPal to PayPal. I was literally in ad adrenal fatigue. I was killing myself. So I decided to. Make space and go out on the patio and I would try to meditate. Sometimes I would just sit there and I created space for inspiration. Instead of me trying to control and manipulate everything in my business, I opened myself up to the possibilities that were available and it allowed me to expand my business and. Far and beyond a$5,000 month. So that's the activation stage. Then it hits momentum and then transmutation and you change, and then you just do it all over again because the divine timing cycle never stops. But you walk hand in hand with a coach with brain game, it completely changes your life for the better. Uh, we. Countless testimonials from clients who are blown away by, by taking it the first time and they come back and take it over and over and over again because it's so transformational.

Magic Barclay:

That sounds amazing. Listeners jump onto that. That sounds, ah. I can't wait to do it myself.

Cindy Van Arnam:

Yeah, absolutely. And it is something that I'm passionate about, Brain game being a household verb. It is something that I've seen save so many lives. I, I'm mean, we're not doctors, but I have seen people go from anxiety so bad that they can't even drive across town to driving. Eight hours in a snowstorm and not even thinking about it. I've seen people, you know, expand their businesses beyond their wildest dreams. I've seen so many things happen as a result of brain game, but I can't teach it all. So we actually certify coaches to teach the brain game and to walk their own clients through this. It's a full on business in a box. We give you everything, including business training. We brain game your business, community support, all the good.

Magic Barclay:

What an amazing service. Now, Cindy, I'm going to open the mic to you now. What is something we haven't covered that you think the listeners need to hear today? Mm.

Cindy Van Arnam:

Yeah. So we, Another modality that I work with is something, again, that came from Joy Kingsborough and her channel Jonah. And it's not a healing modality. Let me be very, very clear about this. Many of us, um, especially in the awakening process, we focus on the healing of the forgiveness of letting go of old patterns and things like that. And there is a place for healing. Absolutely. I needed it back in the day for sure, But what we're working with now is called quantum expansion. We've labeled it Q so you'll see hashtag do the Q everywhere. And Q is a creation. So once we've gotten to a place where we understand as a human being that we are whole, we are united, there is nothing wrong with us, and this does take some work. We work with universal laws, We work within the course of mind shift, and we help you to understand all these laws so that you can come into the essence of you and truly understand that you are not broken, that there is nothing wrong with you. And in. You begin to create, We all create our own reality, but oftentimes we're so busy healing and addicted to the healing process that we forget that we were actually brought here to play in the material experience. So this quantum expansion is a modality that we use. It is not meditation and it is not a healing modality, but we activate the quantum. Field within our own bodies and amplify that energy within our own body. We're like these little power generators and we amplify that using the power of the heart, and we move that energy out into the world. We create. Circuits within the quantum field that allow us to create whatever it is that we desire. So there's a few key pieces. It's really important that you know those three things, that who are you? What do you want? Why do you want it? And if you know those three things and you've come to the place where you know your own essence, you can start running Q and create a magical life.

Magic Barclay:

I love that. Now, Cindy, where can people get hold of you the best to maybe look at this business in a box or to work with you? What's the best way to get hold of you? Absolutely.

Cindy Van Arnam:

So, um, Facebook is one place, but definitely my website, cindy van arnum.com. There's a contact form on there. You can just email me and say, Hey, I heard you on this podcast. I really wanna have a chat. I love getting on Zoom and meeting face to face and having a conversation. The work that I do is not something that I'm just gonna sell you off my website. You will not find buy now buttons on my website. It's, this is a, a conversation. It's a relationship. I'm passionate about community. I wanna get to know you. So book a call with me, grab a free reading off my website and book that call with me and we can just have a conversation and find out what's the best fit for you.

Magic Barclay:

I love that. Truly of service. Thank you so much. Mm-hmm. And now one last question. Numerology Back to that. Yeah, Of course, this is a question running around in my brain, so it needs to come out. What happens if you don't like what you see?

Cindy Van Arnam:

Oh yeah, that happens sometimes. So not liking what you see simply means that either you're not seeing yourself for who you are, or you're in resistance in some way. I've worked with clients a lot who they're like, Mm, I don't resonate with that. Or they just simply just, they're like, Nope, that's not me. And we just work through that. There's a level of acceptance that comes with it, and sometimes, you know, if you're not ready to. You're not ready to see it, and that's okay. You're only going to hear what you need to hear in that moment if that conversation. Same thing as on this podcast. You're only going to hear what you need to hear, and if you come back and listen to it again, you're gonna hear something different based on your energetic pattern. In the very moment. So sometimes you like what you see, sometimes you don't. That's the same with anything in life, and most of the time, I would say 99.999% of the time, everybody loves what they see.

Magic Barclay:

I'm so glad I asked that question. Yeah, So listeners, you can find cindy@cindyvanaum.com. She's also on Facebook Van aum, Cindy Instagram, van aum, Cindy, and of course on LinkedIn. Cindy Van aum. Cindy, thank you so much for your.

Cindy Van Arnam:

Thank you. It's been an absolute pleasure and yeah, I hope that this has resonated with your audience. And for those of you who are, are out there listening, just love yourself just 1% more today. That's all you gotta do.

Magic Barclay:

Terrific advice. Coming up in episode 1 52 is Amanda Kate, who is a divine, messy human. Listeners, thank you again. Go forth and create your magical life.