A Magical Life: Health, Wealth, and Weight Loss

Healing Your Relationship With You

Season 1 Episode 87

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The most important relationship is the one with yourself.  At the end of the day, you are the one person that's really on your side, so make sure that you're healing that relationship.

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A Subito Media production

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A Subito Media production

Magic Barclay:

Welcome back to a magical life. I'm your host magic Barclay. And today I want to talk about your relationship with you. Now sometimes you can't do anything about the people around you. In fact, all you can do is react or change the environment, step away from people or go towards people. We've talked about this in previous episodes. But the one relationship that you can't escape is the relationship with yourself. Now we've heard, you know, all the buzzwords, all the keywords self-love self-care self-respect self-esteem what do they really mean? What they mean is that the one person you can always. Is you, there's a famous quote. If you think you can, or you think you can't you're right. And that's because what you stand for every day, what you believe in and how you relate that to yourself matters every single day in every single month. There are a few steps to having a great relationship with yourself. The first one is learning to be grateful. Have you ever heard of looking for a silver lining? Everything that happens does so for a reason, if you've gained weight, if you've become ill, if you feel abandoned where you've lost your friendship. It was usually triggered by an event or sequence of events that had meaning for your life, but who gave him that meaning it was you. Instead of being resentful or distressed, you need to make peace with your past, with your present and with your future and learn from your reactions and responses. Now many people in the world, self-medicate be it. Alcohol cigarettes, physical contact could be painkillers, be drugs, or it could be poor self image, poor self thought self-medicating is not the. In any form, finding a reason why you do things, why you run to things, why you need that crutch. That is the answer. And I can guarantee that reason is you. It's how you feel about yourself. It's your relationship with yourself now? Many have heard about the serenity prayer. And it says, God, grant me the serenity to accept things. I cannot change the courage to change the things I can. And the wisdom to know the difference. Whether you believe in God or not, this famous prayer sums up the most important factor in being grateful for yourself. Many occurrences, reactions, thoughts, actions, and situations are not in your control, but it is key that you determine what your energy can influence and what it can't. Once you do that, you'll see a silver lining in everything and that everything around you happens for around. Now when there is something dark or shadowing that happens in your life. No, you can't change that, but you can change the way you react to it. I recently lost a very dear friend or someone who I thought was a very dear friend. They decided to segregate against my family. For various reasons that the world is going through at the moment. And my reaction to that surprised me at first, I thought, you know, I had the anger feelings. I had the resentment. I thought, how can this person do this? They must be a horrible person. And I never saw it. And I started to feel bad about myself. How could I allow this person to dupe me? How could I allow them to dupe My family hurt my children, But then I took a step back and I looked at my relationship with myself. I allowed that person into our lives. I respected them for all their knowledge and information. And I felt like I was a better person around them. Not because they lifted me up, but because I always felt compelled to help them, then I realized I'm not their savior. I'm my savior. So I walked away from this former friend. With a new perspective, everything happens for a reason. I can't change them. I can't change their response to life. I can change how I respond and how I feel about myself. So I looked for that silver lining of that friendship, and I realized I'd had five years of some fantastic memories. I'd had five years of being of service. And that made me feel good. This person won't change how they think, how they feel. And that's got nothing to do with me. It's how I react to them. I still think about this person who lives quite close to me, and I think. Every now and then, you know, I get angry and I think, wow, they've shut us out. for a split moment. I think that, and then I think what a great person I have become from the end of this relationship, because I no longer need to feel of service to this person to make myself feel better. I can be of service to myself. And that's, what's important. Many people will talk about the glass half full or half empty. And I guess that sums up when we lose friendships or relationships, how do we say it is the glass now half full so that we can invite new, exciting, uplifting people into our lives. Or is it half empty that we've lost these people. And what is your relationship to you going to do? Is it going to let more water disappear from the glass or is it going to fill that glass with self-acceptance self-love self-respect that's up to you and only. What is your sense of purpose? What is your sense of fulfillment and why? That's really what we need to look at? What are your beliefs? What are your values? And we've talked about those in earlier episodes in our podcast, and we'll talk about them again. Soon. You say your beliefs can be broken down into global beliefs. So their beliefs about what you have in the world, external to yourself, you can have identity beliefs, what you believe about yourself. You can have rules and beliefs, what needs to happen or be present in a way that you will satisfy your values. You can have situation specific beliefs. This is, what do you believe to be true about situations and what do you believe you can do to avoid some situations? So when you have a purpose and you're true to your values, your beliefs are formed. When your beliefs are formed, you create intentions. Now an intention is what you aim to do to be, say, feel, think, and act on and experience. Your intention can often redesign best laid plans. That you might have. If you're not truly present within yourself, you'll be more involved in what's going on around you and your intentions will change. You might not even notice it. Make your intentions every day clear to you, the person that matters. The person in the driving seat. You. Not the people around you. Not your workplace, not even your closest family members, don't allow your life to be influenced by everybody else, because your relationship to yourself is the relationship that matters. At the end of the day, when you're taking your last breaths, there's one person you've got to be okay with, and that's you. People come and go in your lives. You know, they say you have people for a reason, people for a season, but you always have yourself. So in times of turmoil, like the world is going through it, the more. Who matters you do? What matters you do? When does it matter? It matters now. How does it happen? Well, that happens by your thoughts. By your relationship with yourself, why does it happen? Because your body wants you to survive. Your mind wants you to survive. Living things were not created so that they could be unhappy it's so they could survive. Everything comes down to survival. And if you have a very bad relationship with yourself or a relationship with yourself that is determined by what others feel, think, do say act, then that's a very dismal way of life. Sounds depressing. And I don't mean to bring you down, but I really want you to understand. That there is one relationship that matters. Net is your relationship with yourself. I'm hearing, I'm seeing lots of people that are unhappy around the world and I get it. This is a very stressful time to be alive, but it's how you respond to it. That matters. Because even in the darkest days and still find joy because you have you, you're never alone. You will always have yourself. Make that relationship a good one, make it a great one,

in fact

Magic Barclay:

Just remember if you think you can, or you think you can't you're right. So if you think you can have a fantastic relationship with the one person in the world that matters. Yes, you can. I hope that helps. I hope that gives you some insight on how important what we do, what we say, how we act about ourselves, to ourselves really does matter. And our self-talk really does Of course, the practitioners at Wholistic Natural Health can help you, if you're feeling like you don't have a good relationship with yourself. Getting contact, the team can definitely help you through some coaching through many of our programs, because we're there for you were there to support you. We're your, your support crew. So that you can have a great relationship with yourself. Coming up in episode 88, we're talking about how to help animals in need. That's a very specific topic, but I think it it's important to understand that we're not the only organisms on earth. So if you're an animal lover, we just curious how to help an animal when you see them in need, definitely tune into that one. Listeners go forth and create your magical life.