Tool Talk

The Task of a Biblical Scholar | Andreas Köstenberger

Exegetical Tools Season 1 Episode 43

What does a biblical scholar do? Andreas Köstenberger's answer is simple, but he has applied it in his own career in a variety of ways.

Dr. Köstenberger serves as Research Professor of NT and Biblical Theology at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Director of the Center for Biblical Studies, Founder of Biblical Foundations, Editor of the Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society. Köstenberger is a prolific author in areas including biblical studies, hermeneutics, biblical theology, the biblical view of family, and more. 

In this episode of Tool Talk, Travis asks Dr. Köstenberger about a range of topics, including his career, his current sense of calling, the nature of biblical theology, scholars he admires, his forthcoming works, what he's been learning, and Kansas City BBQ.

Resources from Andreas Köstenberger: