What Would Mozart Do?

036 - Fiona Composes

February 24, 2021 Nico de Villiers and Fiona Linnane Episode 36

Today I am talking to the Irish composer Fiona Linnane. In our talk we discuss her experiences of collaborating with various singers as she is often drawn to composing operas and song cycles, or any works that specifically involve the human voice. In 2020 she was recipient of the Art Council of Ireland Music Bursary Award.

Current projects include No.2 Pery Square, a site responsive opera, in collaboration with Limerick based production company Opera Workshop (funded by the Arts Council of Ireland Opera Commissions Award 2020).  She was awarded the Limerick City and County Council Individual Arts Bursary 2018 and 2019, for work in opera and art song.  Works include short operas Off Tuskar and Bay of Fundy; comic arias Songs of the Meteorologist and Art Songs Songs from Kate O’Brien (in collaboration with poet Mary Coll).

No 2 Pery Square https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zph3_Tc7O94

Songs of the Meteorologist - Stormy Weather


Songs of the Meteorologist - Don't make unnecessary journeys


Despatches from North Clare


Bay of Fundy


Facebook page: Fiona Linnane Composer

Instagram: @fionacomposes