
The Prodigal Children in Our Churches

November 21, 2021 Rev. Dr. Ed Treat Season 2 Episode 23

The conversation you are about to hear is one of the most important we have had on this podcast because it is about one of the most prevalent and difficult issues folks face in every one of our congregations, but also one of the most ignored by our congregations. I’m talking about addiction. 

Dr. Ed Treat is a Lutheran pastor and the director of the Center of Addiction and Faith. You’re going to hear the moving story of his journey from addiction to recovery and one of the saddest parts of his story is how little support he received from the churches, pastors, and even seminary he attended. Ed has some very convicting words about the lack of understanding and pastoral care most pastors and churches exhibit toward those struggling with addiction - including the families of addicts. But, he also has some words of hope about how we can begin to include these hurting people in our circles of care and prayer.