Co-Parenting; Your Thrive Guide

Letting Go of Anger - The best birthday gift you can give yourself

Deborah Lenee Season 1 Episode 6

This week is my birthday week and in thinking about my birthday and the best gift that I ever gave myself, I was reminded that it’s not in the actual material gifts but in the forgiveness to myself and others.  “Letting Go of Anger” is by far the best gift I gave myself.  

Some of the ways I have learned to Let Go of Anger are:
1).  Identify and Acknowledge the anger
2).  Understand the Anger and that it originates from feeling powerless
3).  Express the anger and learn to sit with it
4).  Practice Mindfulness
5).  Be Nice and don't engage when you are angry
6).  Focus on the children

Remembering Bishop Desmond Tutu's words: “In a way, to forgive is the best form of self-interest, because I’m also releasing myself from the bonds that hold me captive, and it’s important that I do all I can to restore [the] relationship. Because without a relationship, I am nothing, I will shrivel.” 

Webster’s New World College Dictionary defines the word forgive: 1. To give up resentment against or the desire to punish; stop being angry with; pardon; 2. To give up all claim to punish or exact penalty for (an offense); overlook; 3. To cancel or remit (a debt). 

Forgiveness and letting go of anger is the best gift you can give yourself.

Deborah Lenee'