Co-Parenting; Your Thrive Guide

Co-Parenting Intentions for 2021

December 14, 2020 Deborah Lenee Season 1 Episode 13

Co-Parenting Intentions for 2021

 Be intentional about my child’s mental health – As a parent it is so important that we be intentional about our child’s mental health as well as our own.  Before the pandemic hit, mental health issues such as depression and anxiety were rising in children 6-17 according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  Children are feeling deflated and lack of connectedness.  Give yourself and your children permission to rest, restore, reset and relax. Keeping connectedness is important to all our mental health needs.

Be intentional about keeping things simple – as we move thru the next 3 or 6 months and as things start to open back up in the new year. It is important to continue to keep our children grounded and to keep things simple

Be intentional about creative ways to make things  - what I mean by this is to work at creative ways to make your life and your children’s life work better for everyone.  Get creative about how you make things work for you and don’t worry about how other people parent or what other people will think.  Do what is best for you and your and give yourself permission to think outside of the box.

Be intentional about expanding your view point – this means that when the unexpected events or conflicts happens in our life, really stop and reflect about why you have these viewpoints and educate yourself about the different ways there are to deal with any potential conflicts that arise.

Be intentional about accepting for and asking for help from the other co-parenting partner – let them take an extra day with the children – ask them if you can have an extra day and vice versus.  Do not be afraid to fluid and flexible.

 Be intentional about restraining comments/opinions about co-parent’s boyfriend/girlfriend. – this right here is so important.. get a journal, get a friend and use someone else as a “complaint board” don’t let the children hear your criticizing the boyfriend/girlfriend.  You don’t have to say anything in front of the children.

Be intentional about forgiveness – forgiveness is a process and not a one time thing.  Choose forgiveness and choose grace. Grace for you and grace for me.  Be intentional about your forgiveness and ALWAYS give grace and grace extended.  While you may not need extra grace today you may need it tomorrow.

 So just to recap our intentions for co-parenting this year:

·         Be intentional about my child’s mental health

·         Be intentional about keeping things simple

·         Be intentional about creative ways to make things

·         Be intentional about expanding your view point

·         Be intentional about accepting for and asking for help from the other co-parenting partner

·         Be intentional about restraining comments/opinions about co-parent’s boyfriend/girlfriend.

·         Be intentional about forgiveness