Co-Parenting; Your Thrive Guide

Parenting Your Adult Children

June 01, 2021 Deborah Lenee Season 2 Episode 17

Parenting Your Adult Children

Your diaper-changing, school hustle & bustle and soccer driving days are over. Whether you feel relieved or conflicted about this change, it’s time to embrace your adult child’s independence and enjoy a new phase of parenthood; there are different ways for parenting adult children. Here are some ways to grow a healthy relationship with your adult children.

1.  Respect your differences. 

2. Share your insight and wisdom (no critizcing).

3. Set and keep boundaries with adult children.  

4. Do things you love together.

5. Make room for their significant others.

6. Be more of a consultant, not a Manager

7. Allow space for your children to talk with you, be a sounding board.

8. Hold family meetings or "get togethers"