ABM Done Right - A Personal ABM Podcast

How Product Marketing is Driving ABM at Gainsight

Kristina Jaramillo and Eric Gruber

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Kristina Jaramillo recently asked on LinkedIn - what role aligns the closest to ABM: demand generation, field marketing or product marketing. She asked this question because Nick Bennett at Alyce mentioned that field marketing should be focused on the middle and bottom of the funnel.  They capture the demand that the demand generation team created. As ABM should be about accelerating higher-value deals to revenue -- and not sourcing the pipeline, he feels that ABM and field marketing are similar in many ways. 

At Personal ABM we agree that ABM aligns more with field marketing than demand gen. But we are on the fence when it comes to whose closer aligned with ABM: product marketing or field marketing. Product marketers are the connector of the business and they are able to help GTM teams nurture from a sales, marketing, customer success and product perspective. 

In this podcast Kristina Jaramillo, Eric Gruber and Christine Friscic (Peak Community member and product marketing leader at Gainsight)  discuss:

1. A brief description of what Gainsight's ABM program looks like and how their team is structured. 

2. The role product marketing should play in ABM and why product marketing should be driving ABM vs. demand gen. 

3. What is the account-based enablement that should be provided so sales and marketing teams drive stage progression vs. just sourcing the pipeline?