ABM Done Right - A Personal ABM Podcast

Why Product Marketing Drives ABM at Uniphore

Kristina Jaramillo and Eric Gruber Season 1 Episode 40

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Vijai Shankar, VP of Product Marketing for Uniphore, says that the biggest mistake companies can make when it comes to ABM is to have demand gen and other "marketing areas" drive ABM programs. Account-based sales and marketing is a business strategy where leadership, sales, marketing and account management teams work together to get more accounts to revenue and existing accounts to greater revenue.  Product marketing is the connector between the teams and ABM should be part of their revenue engine.

When you hand ABM to demand gen, ABM often turns into account-based lead gen, account-based advertising or account-based awareness programs that focus on the top of the funnel vs. the complete buyer's journey. Vijai,  Kristina Jaramillo (President of Personal ABM), Eric Gruber (CEO of PersonalABM) discuss this in greater detail, plus you'll see their thoughts on...

  • Why ITSMA reports that less than 1/3 of companies see significant business improvement with ABM.
  • How companies are starting ABM on the wrong foot and how you should be starting with ABM
  • Why you should focus ABM on the complete journey and how companies are leaving revenue opportunities on the table by not using ABM for existing accounts
  • The challenges that Vijai faced while implementing ABM programs for 2 other companies besides Uniphore and why the Uniphore program is working

After listening to this podcast with Vijai Shankar and Personal ABM, you may want to check out these additional ABM resources: