Blue Point Bible Church Podcast

A Detailed Discussion on the Resurrection of the Dead - Michael Miano & Don Johnsen

Pastor Michael Miano

On Saturday, November 10th, 2018 - two Christian ministers, two different perspectives, and One Bible -  what is the resurrection of the dead? 

Michael Miano, pastor of the Blue Point Bible Church and apologist regarding end times topics through MGW Apologetics, contends that the resurrection of the dead is the past fulfilled hope of the Old Covenant dead ones that was fully accomplished in AD 70. Pastor Miano will present and defend what is known as the Corporate Body View of the resurrection as the Scriptural demonstration of the “one hope” made known through the Scriptures. 

Don Johnsen, an evangelist, teacher, and a prophetic minister in the Body of Christ will present and defend that the resurrection of the dead as he asserts Jesus and Paul especially taught in the scriptures. Mr. Johnson contends the resurrection of the dead is a future corporate world- wide event and that each individual will receive an individual glorified body for their future dwelling place in the kingdom of God, as per 1 Corinthians chapter 15 and 2 Corinthians chapter 5.