The DNP Project Podcast


Dr. Molly Bradshaw & Dr. Tracy Vitale Season 1

In this episode, we will clarify the key differences between the DNP degree and the PhD degree.

Welcome to the DNP Project Podcast where we share tips, inspiration, and more! Today we are going to outline and discuss some of the key differences between the DNP degree and some of the other terminal degrees, especially the PhD.

Key Foundational Points:

  • DNP is a terminal, practice-focused degree
  • Programs are rapidly expanding
  • Entry points are generally: BSN to DNP; MSN to DNP

As part of this degree process:

  • Curriculum is based on the DNP Essentials (another episode)
  • Students complete a DNP Project (the terminal academic product, another episode)

The American Association of Colleges of Nurses (AACN) is the leader in designing what the desired qualities of a DNP prepared nurses should have. Be sure to visit their website:

  • AACN (2004) defines “practice” of a practice-focused degree
    • AACN definition of practice:
      • The term practice, specifically nursing practice, as conceptualized in this document refers to any form of nursing intervention that influences health care outcomes for individuals or populations, including the direct care of individual patients, management of care for individuals and populations, administration of nursing and health care organizations, and the development and implementation of health policy. Preparation at the practice doctorate level includes advanced preparation in nursing, based on nursing science, and is at the highest level of nursing practice.

Key Differences in DNP v PhD

Practice-Focused | Research-Focused
Designed for Local Context | Designed for Generalizability
Final Academic Product: DNP Project | Final Academic Product: Dissertation

When you earn the degree are you called “doctor” ? Let's talk about that.

To learn more, there is a lesson on this content in our workbook. You can order the book from Springer Publishing at

Also, explore the 2018 webinar from the AACN on understanding the DNP Degree

*** Always follow the guidelines from YOUR DNP Program

*** Always follow the recommendations of your state for use of titles, etc.