The DNP Project Podcast

What are DNP “Clinical” Hours?

Dr. Molly Bradshaw & Dr. Tracy Vitale Season 1

Today we are talking all about the DNP “Clinical” Hours.

Welcome to the DNP Project Podcast where we share tips, inspiration, and more! Exactly what are the DNP “Clinical” Hours? Are they like regular see patients kind of hours? Are they spent shadowing? Is it the time you spend doing your DNP Project? -- We need some clarity!

In previous episodes we have talked about the fact that the DNP is a degree, it is not a role. However, this degree is based on the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) DNP Essentials. At the time of this writing, the DNP Essentials are being revised. We anticipated release in early 2020, but also as of this writing we predict the COVID-19 Pandemic will impact or at best delay their publication (just my speculation). But these essential skills are the things we think that all practice-focused, doctorally prepared nurses should be able to do, regardless of their role. So that idea requires at least 1,000 hours to ensure competency. Work hours do not count. The hours have to be part of a supervised academic program, otherwise we can’t be sure that what you are doing relates to the larger goal.

The three main, larger goals:

  • Hours spent to teaching you a new, “advanced-practice” nursing role
    • LACE Model
    • Lots of confusion on the term “advanced-practice”
    • Most traditional idea, time spent learning patient-care / leadership roles
  • Hours spent ensuring that you achieve competency of the DNP Essentials
    • I. Scientific Underpinnings for Practice 
    • II. Organizational and Systems Leadership for Quality Improvement and Systems Thinking 
    • III.  Clinical Scholarship and Analytical Methods for Evidence-Based Practice 
    • IV.  Information Systems/Technology and Patient Care Technology for the Improvement and Transformation of Health Care 
    • V. Health Care Policy for Advocacy in Health Care 
    • VI.  Interprofessional Collaboration for Improving Patient and Population Health Outcomes
    • VII.  Clinical Prevention and Population Health for Improving the Nation’s Health
    • VIII. Advanced Nursing Practice
  • Hours spent completing the work of the DNP Project
    • MUST go with the recommendations of your DNP Program
    • Depending on the structure of your program depends on what counts
      • Do I get time for my “looking stuff up and writing” ?
    • Implementation activities
    • Dissemination activities

Other discussion questions:

  • What does the preceptor look like?
  • What kind of setting does the DNP “Clinical” or DNP “Experience” occur in?
  • What does documentation look like? Mapping?

To read more, look at the content of the AACN White Paper, the DNP Essentials, and our workbook, the DNP Project Workbook: A Step by Step Process for Success from Springer Publishing

*** Always follow the guidelines from YOUR DNP Program