The DNP Project Podcast

Tip: Revision Turnover Time

Dr. Molly Bradshaw & Dr. Tracy Vitale Season 1

Welcome to the DNP Project Podcast where we share tips, inspiration, and more!

It’s time to get back to school. Our goal is to offer some quick tips for DNP Students. 

Today’s Tip: Revision Turnover Time

Let’s take a minute to talk about revision turnovers. The DNP Project Proposal and Final Paper will require multiple revisions. Setting expectations for revision turnovers, can help minimize both student and faculty frustrations. It takes major effort to write and major effort to grade. An efficient system will make the workload easier. For purposes of this discussion, my definition of this term is the time that lapses between faculty feedback and student submission of revised work or the time lapses between student submission of work and faculty feedback. A conversation must take place. In some cases, it may be appropriate for as much as two weeks to go by. In other cases, it has to be rapid, meaning less than 48 hrs. 

My advice to DNP students is that the faster you can turn over revisions, the faster your DNP Project timeline will go. Students should also be aware that grading is often a scheduled activity for faculty. To use myself as an example, this fall, I am setting a schedule for reading and grading DNP Projects. I will be reading on Tuesday afternoons and Thursday mornings. The work has to be submitted to me to hit my reading schedule. Likewise, I choose these days knowing that my students do a majority of their work on the weekends. So, I want them to have their DNP Project feedback by Thursday so that they can work over the weekend. Does this make sense? 

Of course, we all work differently. However, as a student it is frustrating to not know when to anticipate feedback. Likewise, as faculty, you can’t just clear your whole schedule to “fit in” students giving you DNP Project work at the last minute. The point here is to have a system and set expectations. 

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*** Always follow the guidelines from YOUR DNP Program