The DNP Project Podcast

Speed Reading for DNPs with Alexandria Rosa, RN, DNP Student

Dr. Molly Bradshaw & Dr. Tracy Vitale

Speeding Reading for DNPs with Alexandria Rosa, RN
Host(s): Dr. Molly Bradshaw & Dr. Tracy Vitale

Welcome to the DNP Project Podcast where we share tips, inspiration, and more!

Are you a busy DNP student with tons and tons of reading to do? Try Speed Reading. In this episode we are learning about the perks of speed reading. Alexandria Rosa, RN is DNP student and life-long learner who taught herself techniques for speed reading using YouTube. It’s a skill, not a gift. It saves time, and you can retain the information. To learn more, tune in. 

To reach out to Alex, find her on Facebook at
Recommended speed-reading video:

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