The DNP Project Podcast

Tip: Getting Out of A Writing Rut

Dr. Molly Bradshaw & Dr. Tracy Vitale

Getting out a writing rut
Host(s): Dr. Tracy Vitale

Welcome to the DNP Project Podcast where we share tips, inspiration, and more!

It’s time to get back to school. In this series our goal is to offer some quick tips for DNP Students. In another podcast, Dr. Bradshaw talked about creating outlines to help you work more efficiently and keep your writing organized. But what happens when you can’t seem to get out of your own way? I want to talk about some quick strategies you can use to keep your writing on task and keep to your timelines. 

Writing can cause mental and physical stress for a lot of us. I’m fairly confident that when most of us decided we wanted to be a nurse, none of us expected to be spending countless hours in front of a computer writing papers and worrying about APA format. We wanted to be nurses...hands on with our patients! Yet, here we are writing papers...whether as students working your DNP Project, or as faculty members trying to meet the scholarship expectations set forth by our school. Writing may not come naturally for everyone. For some, it’s hard work and takes a tremendous amount of effort. In order to make it easier and more manageable, I’d like to talk about some strategies to help be a more productive writer. When I was working to help students struggling to write, I found a book by Joseph Perazzo and Robert Topp titled, Pain Free Writing for Nurses - A Step-by Step Approach.” I quickly flipped through it to find a fast answer. I loved how their first chapter addressed how to move past some of the challenges we face as writers. That said, here are some of the pitfalls we run into and how to navigate through them.  We will be speaking more in depth about them in this episode!

  1. Establish writing habits that work for you. 
  2. Be prepared and know what you are getting into! 
  3. Walk away! 
  4. Find an accountability buddy. 
  5. Having a bad attitude

To read more about how to improve your writing efforts, consider the following resources:

Springer Publishing:

  • Perazzo, J. & Topp, R. (2020). Pain-free writing for nurses. A step-by-step approach. Springer Publishing.

Dr. Tracy Vitale

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