Then and Now Preterist Podcast

Romans 6 – Body of Sin

Ed Stevens
We pick back up on our study of the thirteen uses of the word "body" here in Romans. In this session we get down into the context of Romans chapter six to examine two of those "body" texts found in verses 6 and 12. We use the paraphrase translation of F. F. Bruce to help us grasp what Paul is saying in this chapter, and then show that all of its teachings and exhortations are bound up with the individual "bodies" of the Roman saints, not at all with a collective body concept. The individual "body" application is absolutely necessary in this context, since all of Paul's moral, ethical, and spiritual exhortations are attached to the "body" that is under consideration here. If that "body" is collective, it automatically disconnects the individual Christian from all of Paul's moral, ethical, and spiritual exhortations here. If you wish to have the free PDF written lesson outline for this podcast, simply email us to request it ( Be sure to mention the date of this podcast when you contact us.

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