Then and Now Preterist Podcast

Zealot Factions (AD 68-70)

Ed Stevens
Vespasian bottled up the Jews in Jerusalem, so that he could fight them all together in one place in one big decisive battle. Then Nero died and Rome was plunged into civil war and external rebellions. The Zealots thought that would force the Roman army to make peace with them and leave Judea. Wrong! After a year-long suspension of warfare, Titus came back with a bigger force than ever. The Zealots seemed oblivious to the danger, and weakened themselves by factional in-fighting. John of Gischala and his soldiers committed abominable atrocities, torturing and killing their own people inside the city. Conditions inside the city grew unbearably worse by the day. And then Titus began the siege. If you wish to have the free PDF written lesson outline for this podcast, simply email us to request it ( Be sure to mention the date of this podcast when you contact us.

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