Then and Now Preterist Podcast
Studying the past to shape a better future. Taught by Ed Stevens, President of the International Preterist Association. The production of new podcasts has been suspended while Ed prepares the next series. All of our previous podcasts are archived below. You will want to listen to all of them while waiting for the new ones to be produced. A PDF lesson outline for each podcast is available FREE by email request: (preterist1@preterist.org). Mention the title or date of the podcast when you request it. Be sure to visit the International Preterist Association website (click on the webpage icon at the top on smartphone screens, or at the top right on computer screens). There are some great preterist articles, books, audio, and video resources to help you in your studies.
Then and Now Preterist Podcast
Apostolic Canonization (Pt 2)
Ed Stevens
This is part two in our series on Apostolic Canonization. We discuss the duplication, circulation, and collection of all 27 of the New Testament books before Apostle Peter died in AD 64. If you wish to have the PDF lesson outline for this podcast, simply email us to request it (preterist1@preterist.org). Be sure to mention the date of the podcast for which you would like to receive the PDF.