A Lap of Caulfield Park

Sara Kowal, criminal lawyer and Manager of Partnerships and Clinic for Eleos Justice

Plus61JMedia and the Jewish Museum of Australia Season 1 Episode 9

From defending Melbourne underworld identities to supporting the cases of those on death row in Asia, Sara Kowal's criminal law career has taken some intriguing turns. It was the execution of drug couriers Kevin Barlow and Brian Chambers in Malaysia in 1986, that first piqued her interest in capital punishment. Today she is one of Australia's leading legal advocates for the abolishment of capital punishment around the world. In 2018 Sara was appointed to establish Monash University's Anti-Death Penalty Clinic, the first stage of Eleos Justice.  There she leads a team of lawyers, researchers and students supporting prisoners on death row across the Asia Pacific region.  She also serves as Vice-President of the Capital Punishment Justice Project (CPJP), and is a busy mother of four children.