Humanise The Numbers - for ambitious accountants in practice

Liz Jackson & Andy Denny of BCMS - Advisors to the Profession

January 06, 2023 Paul Shrimpling, Liz Jackson and Andy Denny

There’s no doubting the quality and strength and depth of the relationships you have with your best business-owner clients. 

But someone will pip the quality of those relationships when they get involved in discussing, planning and executing the sale of your clients’ businesses.

On this podcast discussion, you’ll hear from Andy Denny and Liz Jackson – both directors at an organisation called BCMS, a specialist M&A provider helping business owners turning over anywhere between £10 and 100 million, sometimes a little bit less, sometimes a little bit more – and how they get really deep, really strong connections with business owners over a six- to twelve-month window. 

In this discussion they share insights, ideas and some really valuable points about how building a stronger human connection with your existing team, with your clients, has a profound impact on the way they do business, and impacts the team and how they get engaged with what they’re doing. This applies to your firm of accountants too.

Two different types of relationship, but the insights and the points are relevant to their business and relevant, I believe, to your accountancy business too. 

I hope you get value and I hope you enjoy this discussion between Liz Jackson, Andy Denny and myself on this podcast. If you've got any thoughts or any questions on what you hear or if you can watch the video version, please get in touch.

When on this episode page, please scroll down for the contact information for Liz and Andy and to find additional resources mentioned in the podcast.