It's Always Day One

Taylor Lagace

July 06, 2021 It's Always Day One Season 1 Episode 55
It's Always Day One
Taylor Lagace
Show Notes Transcript

Taylor breaks down specific steps to get 60-90 pieces of fresh influencer content each month, without breaking the bank.

In this episode we discuss:

  • Influencer seeding, what is it and why you need to approach influencer marketing with this technique
  • How to approach influencers and build a relationship from day one
  • How you can repurpose influencer content for social media advertising
  • Tools you can use to collect influencer content more easily
  • Tips to obtain access to your influencers content without spending a fortune
  • How to break each piece of content down further and split test ads on Facebook

You can find Taylor on Twitter: @taylorlagace


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[0:00:01] George Reid: Welcome to us Always Day One. My name is George Reid, a former Amazonian turned amazon consultant. Each week on the podcast you're going to hear industry experts. Brand owners and amazon employees share their answers to the basic yet fundamental questions you should be asking yourself about your amazon business now, let's jump in. Hello ladies and gentlemen, welcome to another episode of It's always day one. Today I've got taylor Lage said come speak to us about implements the marketing. Taylor, welcome to the show, trying to give us a brief 22nd background as to who you are, what you do and then we can fire out some questions.

[0:00:38] Taylor Lagace: Yeah, I appreciate you having me on George. You absolutely nailed my last name, you're a diamond dozen. So I just want to give you kudos there. But yeah, managing partner here at kinship or an influencer, marketing agency, um definitely specialist in, you know, keeping an organic social conversation going around brands and building out brand ambassador programs, but also specifically in repurposing a lot of their content into paid social, be a facebook and instagram ads. So it's a little bit about me, our company, what it is we do, but we specialize in all things influencer marketing here.

[0:01:11] George Reid: Good man. Well, let's get kicked off with the softball kind of butter our listeners up a little bit on the whole, influencer marketing piece will be good just to explain in your words why brand should even get involved in this in the first place because it is an additional challenge is an additional kind of thing that's going to consume some budget. Why would brands be looking at this?

[0:01:33] Taylor Lagace: Oh, why not? You know, I mean people purchase things for two reasons, one from receiving a recommendation from someone they trust and to price point. Um, and influence you can really knock that out. Uh, two birds, one stone at the end of the day. It's someone that a lot of people trust, You're giving somebody a cloud over a given audience that you're looking target. Um These are people that can serve as your brand ambassadors, your flag bearers into these communities you're trying to acquire as your customers and then they can be the people that communicate your value, add your price point, whatever your competitive advantage is, the one that, but even more importantly in my mind, I'm sure we'll get into it uh in depth today is there's a massive, arbitrary opportunity right now when it comes to influencer marketing, if you go about it in the right way in which these people don't quite understand their value as content creators at this time. Um They think that, you know there when people think of influence marketing, they think of hyped up price for feed posts, which I agree with you there inflated. Um, but there is a way to go about this through what I'm sure will also dive into through influence receiving, where you can get a lot of content almost just about free of cost, um, to be able to repurpose it across your own distribution channels, where that's a lot of the value and influence the market right now, them as content creators will dive in just how you as a brand owner can do that internally for yourself today.

[0:03:00] George Reid: That's a really interesting point straight off the bat actually, because design agencies, they're not cheap and they're not getting cheaper and obviously you can look offshore to lower that cost, but you're not always going to get sort of content that may connect with your, your target customer. If you flip it around and just go their content creators, they're equally, if not more valuable than um that only design team that you've maybe got on board or a design headcount. Really interesting way of looking at, you use that term influencer seeding being a bit of a virgin in this world. What is that?

[0:03:37] Taylor Lagace: Yeah, so just to piggyback of your comment, 100%, we think influencers are, you know, less expensive and more effective. And so that is where they're arbitrary opportunities, like they create the most native content to these feeds. Um you know, the driving force of social is creators human to human networks, right? And so influencers have really championed the content creation on these platforms, where you don't need a lot of graphic design edits that make content look addie and sales. E you know, these people create genuine, authentic native content to feed and that's what you really want, um you know, promoting your brand and putting in from people to purchase your product potentially. But seating, um, to circle back to your question here is how we simply partner with our brand and how you very well could do this internally for yourself, whoever is listening is we do this at scale. So whatever I communicate here, just size it down a little bit for yourself to try it out. But we typically identify and reach out to 500 influencers per month on math brands that we're working with and we're reaching out to them saying, Hey George, you know, we think you're a great brand fit, we think you'd absolutely love our product, we want to send it to you, no strings attached. We just absolutely love who you are, what you're about. You love our product. Like I'm saying. And what we mean by no strings attached is we have no expectation of you to post whatsoever. Just send us your address, we'll get this right out to you or if you're a service to say, if you're interested, I will grant you free access to this right away or get you a free appointment, whatever, whatever it is, product or service. Um, and what you see from that is such greater often that's seating. That is ceding your product free of cost, no strings attached. So seating is just planting a seed with somebody getting your product in their hands. But we see such great option from that in comparison if we were to play around in the pay for post model, which we think is dead quite honestly. So to give you averages out of the seating program From 500 influences you react to reach out to we see a minimum of 100 influencers opt in to receive this free gift, no strings attached from the seating efforts. So 100 people that you'd be sending product to and out of those 100 people, we didn't ask them to post, we didn't contract them post. We had no sort of transactional message whatsoever. We just reached out with a great first impression. Um, and then we see a minimum of 30 influencers posting 2-3 times on average. So that's 60-90 assets being posted from 30 influencers over the course of a month. Just by setting your product for your cost, no strings attached to 100 people. And so that's more than you could otherwise ever gotten at that. Lower the cost In comparison to go into an influencer agency and asking them, Hey, can we get 30 influencers posting 2-3 times that would, at a minimum cost 30K. We haven't got into the usage rights of this content yet either and what that would cost. You went through an agency

[0:06:27] George Reid: And I guess what you've got off the bat is that 20% conversion, but you've still got some awareness with the additional 400 people there as well. So it maybe not in this next month, they're going to respond to you, but maybe maybe they're seeing you on a shelf in, you know, a year's time or six months or two months time. Are they going to like that? I like how it looks, feels is presented and maybe they buy or maybe they come back to you and go, I'd love to speak to bit again about this and happy to help you there is that kind of awareness as well.

[0:07:01] Taylor Lagace: For sure If our last touch point with an influence or two is hey, we want to get this to you, no strings attached, we have no expectation of you whatsoever. We just love to get this in your hands because we think you'll love it. Like it's a pretty good last touch point with somebody you know, to have as their last taste in their mouth per se of you. And so it does lend itself incredibly well, but if they do become that, You know, one of those 30 influencers that we see at a minimum posting those 2 to 3 times within a month, we do follow up with them after they post and say, hey George, We're so glad that you love the, you know, the gift that we sent you so much. So you're willing to share this content with your audience. Hey, we would love to be able to share this content with our audiences as well. Can we have the rights to do so via organic and paid social and so immediately falling up for usage rights to the content that's being posted and nine out of 10 times these guys granted because you started that relationship in the right way and now you have 60 to 90 unique assets within a month timeframe to repurpose across your own distribution channels, especially in paid ads, where you'll see a lot of conversion revenue. Um, come from that because I mean 60 to 90 assets is a ton to be able to scale. And that's the name of the game really, at this point, ever since the IOS 14 update is creative. That's what is ultimate going to lead to scalability and wins for your brand.

[0:08:15] George Reid: Hey folks, it's George here. I'd like you to check out my new site georges dot blog. It's where you can find all of my famous weekly emails as well as how we can work together to repeat. That's George's dot blog. Now, let's carry on with the episode. You've mentioned that about getting those 60-90 pieces of content. How do you look to manage that in practicality? Like we're thinking, Okay, we're passing over to either you yourself are doing that and managing those social ads or you're passing over to another team. How are you looking to collect those assets or any sort of hack or useful thing you found just works to go okay here in my 30 people posting, uh now need to go and post to all of those 30 asking for the use of rights. That step one, step two is then going cool. Like can we, we just screenshot this and dump it into a folder and then put done, not done. Like what is the practical step step

[0:09:17] Taylor Lagace: I want to give you our entire process George. Well, step one is falling up for usage rights. That's step one. Um And even break that down further, a non aggressive way to get these people nine out of 10 times a grant you to usage rights is as for usage rights for 30 days, specifically instead of perpetuity or other words, you know, forever owning their content. Um, as for 30 days, um it's just less aggressive. You're more likely to get usage rights for those 30 days and 30 days is more than enough time to test if this piece of content will work within your at account. Um and then after 30 days it has go back to them and actually at that point say, hey, you know, we love to actually purchase this piece of content. We've really enjoyed it and love it. We love to work with you in a more expansive way. It's not going to cost you any more than $500 if it's somebody that has less than 100 50 K. And following. Um, and you could even start, You know, the negotiation $150 for that piece of content And then just go back and forth, but never have we seen someone asked for more than that when you start the relationship in this way. And at that point again, over the course of 30 days, you've made a lot more money than $500 and it's obviously been a piece of content. There's really one for you and to help scale your at account so that someone usage rights and that's a little bit about how you could go about it and how we recommend doing it um for 30 days and then into perpetuity and making that transition instead of just trying to get it right from the jump secondly, we use a tool called Mighty scott. We don't take screenshots or screen recording on our iphones of these videos being posted about the brands. We use a tool called Mighty Scout, that's M I G H Y T Y Scout dot com. Mighty Scout, basically, this is a phenomenal platform in real time. It aggregates all the profiles that are mentioning your brand that are tagging your brand, you can input any hashtags, any at signs of the brand that you're, that you own, that you're working with clients for us. And it basically just collects all the content real time that's being posted on behalf of this product or service that you're sitting or you're gifting because again, within our process of seating were not contracting them to a specific date to post. Right? And so without that post date, we don't know when they're going to do it. So this basically is a social listening tool that collects and aggregates all the analytics around these organic influencer post. But even more importantly in the most valuable piece of this tool is I'm able to download that content right there from the platform itself, um, and then I can reformat and nine by 16 1 by one. These are just facebook ad placement optimization, um, formats and then we out and then we also captured all the video content as well before getting it live in the ad account in a specific way to help scale our efforts there. Um, so it's an incredible tool. It's like a dollar per head that you input into the platform itself. So if we have 100 people that onboard onto our seating program that say, Hey yeah, we'd love to receive the product or service that you're gifting us. We input those 100 user names onto this tool and it costs us 100 bucks right somewhere around there, tops. It's like 1 57 150 bucks. So super inexpensive in comparison to, you know, getting usage rights and then asking the influencer, can you send this content over us? That's an extreme hassle. There's a lot of back and forth there. It's like pulling teeth, trying to get an influencer to send us their constantly, then repurpose into paid ads. This is incredibly effective. Just make sure you get used to the rights to do so.

[0:12:57] George Reid: And with that you kind of made that point quite clear as well. It makes their life as an influencer easier. They're enjoying that relationship, they're not having to go or I need to send taylor a message and put it in an email or we transfer a dropbox. They don't have to worry about that. There's no friction, no hurdle for them to create, say, a nice battery process, let's say,

[0:13:21] Taylor Lagace: right, right there is to touch points with us at this point. One here is that we love to send you a free gift and then the second time they hear from us is, hey, we love this content. So we love that you loved our gift so much. So right that you were willing to share this content. Hey, can we just have the right, can we have the ability to re share this content with audiences to their only to touch points with us? And they had to do no work whatsoever. They just received a gift, talked about it and shared it because we started that relationship the right way, and now we get to reap a lot of dividends from this relationship.

[0:13:49] George Reid: What are you seeing working quite well at the moment with with a lot of change that's going on with that costs going up kind of everywhere. What are you seeing is working really well from those influences? Or is it just varying massively? Um is there any one particular type you know, that's that's nailing it right now?

[0:14:10] Taylor Lagace: Yeah, that's a great question and we get it quite frequently, but I try to avoid answering this, you know, there's so many and I'm going to give you a very straightforward and transparent answer, I'll give you some of the things that I think are working best. Um but at the end of the day, I try to take my human decision making out of it, and this is why the way that we're combating, you know, what's going on within facebook advertising right now is creative and having a lot of it at all times. And how do we do that through seeing? So as you're hearing, we get 60 to 90 unique assets per month at a minimum from these influencer campaigns. And from that we can turn that into a variety of iterations, right? So like videos, 20 plus seconds, we'll start that video from three different timestamps. You know, the first three seconds of an ad is incredibly important that lends itself to different levels of performance. And so we provide the 60 to 90 ass is probably from At least 100, total assets iterations included to run his ads from that. We are plugging in all of it into the ad account. We launch if there's 100 pieces of content that we have at our disposal to launch as ads that we've got usage rights to. We're going to launch 10 new dynamic creative tests. If you're familiar with what those are, if not for any listeners, dynamic creative testing within ads is basically I'm able to launch 10 pieces of creative within one ad and facebook will allocate my budget towards whichever pieces of content it knows it will win best within the given audience that I'm targeting. And so I can set cost caps on this as well. And so cost caps basically is just saying, hey, I need to acquire a customer at $10 I'll set the $10 cost cap on this campaign behind these 10 pieces of creative that's within this dynamic creative test and it will not spend $10 behind any given piece of asset within their unless I'm going to win in a converted purchase at that rate. And so no money is being wasted. All 100 assets are being tested. All 100 assets are getting budget allocated behind that creative if facebook deems itself to win within this given audience that we're targeting. And if so it could spend this campaign begins to win and then we repurpose whichever content is the top form pieces of content into top performing dynamic creative tests at the prospecting level, the final and repurposing all the top performing piece of craven our retargeting efforts as well. And then we just do this on a month to month basis. That's how we're testing, optimizing and scaling our efforts at this time. And what you see the circle back to original question, which content are we seeing work best? Sometimes it's a static image. Sometimes it's an unboxing, Sometimes it's a use case video a testimonial. But the beautiful thing of this scene in campaign is a lot of it takes out the human decision making up. A which piece of video content shall we get from this influencer or this creative studio, Xu, like hey, a testimonial worked in the past, let's get You know, some more of that, which is methodical, it's great. But at the end of the day it's still limited. Like I'm getting 60-90 assets of everything you can think of under the sun testimonial. Use case unboxing static imagery, everything. And I'm going to test all of it and I'm gonna lean into the machine learning system of facebook to allocate budget behind what it knows what when within the audiences were targeting here and leaning on that in comparison to my own decision making. Because if I do the decision making, my human decision making, I'll probably miss an opportunity in scale here. But to lean on some data, video content typically outperform static imagery with influencers, I guess I can give you that at a minimum because that's definitely concrete

[0:17:42] George Reid: and ensuring obviously that you're, you're getting subtitles for that as well. So using tools are used to script for subtitles, but there are many out there too. Get those subtitles done because a lot of people are just scrolling like it's the same on linked in and I've seen those stats, you've probably seen more if you are doing video ensuring that your sub type thing, right?

[0:18:02] Taylor Lagace: 100%. You need to always formatted, reformatted nine by 16, 1 by one and definitely caption, 90% of people aren't actually turning sound on. So that's a must, you need to capture your your content and we specifically use capping for that.

[0:18:16] George Reid: It's been an absolute pleasure rattling crude over the last 18 minutes. Um, really like some of your, some of your pieces around repurposing that content how you can Reach new, his new influences and be aggressively scooping up what you've said. All right, about 150 new creators for Facebook each month. I'm sure we could pile into more. I wanted to make this episode short, but it leaves the door open to come back again in the future. Might

[0:18:41] Taylor Lagace: appreciate me on George. Thanks for the time,

[0:18:43] George Reid: cheers buddy, have a good day. Hey guys, just a quick one. If you are enjoying the podcast, I either have some actionable next steps or new ideas I'd really appreciate if you could one subscribe to the show and leave us review. These are really, really important to us, as you probably know, being in the amazon world and two. If you're looking for additional support with your brand, head over to the website. It's always day one dot co dot UK where we've got links to other resources as often our guys speak soon.