It's Always Day One

Master A+ Content on Amazon - George Reid

It's Always Day One Season 1 Episode 59
  • What impact can A+ have on your Amazon listing?
  • What is the purpose of A+ content on Amazon?
  • Who is eligible for A+ content on Amazon?
  • What does A+ look like in practice?
  • Why A+ content on Amazon is an investment.

This is my first solo mission on the podcast. I dive deep into A+ content. Having spent the best part of a year building Amazon Creatives, now the most comprehensive archive of inspiring Amazon content, I figured I could add some meat to the bones.

At we have also just begun offering A+ content services. If you'd like to find out more please get in touch at


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Welcome to us always day one. My name is George Reed. A former Amazonian turned Amazon consultant each week on the podcast York and a hit in this tree, X that Brandon and Amazon employees share their arts as to the basic fundamental questions. You should be asking yourself about your Amazon business.
Now let's do it. Hey, I've won experiments in a new episode type where I'm going to try doing solo episodes, diving deep into a particular topic. Today, I'm going to kick off with an a plus deep dive, looking at some things that you need to be aware of, whatever you're creating a plus content, as well as some best practices and some fundamentals you want to be including each a plus page, plus a few data points as well.
That it's good to note why you should be creating this. A-plus hopefully. Share some feedback with me by email at hello at George's dot blog, or just ping me a message on LinkedIn. So I want to spend five, 10 minutes just talking about the impact a plus content can have on your Amazon listing and go through some best practices with you.
I'm not normal, I'm not freestyle, unless I've got some notes to help me along the way. So it should be a little bit more structured and should hopefully be a little bit shorter than me waffling. So first and foremost, let's kick off with the impact. But are you plastic and have on your Amazon listing?
Now, Amazon themselves have come out and said, it can have a three to 10% increase in sale. This was from a YouTube video some time ago, those figures are going to differ massively based on the actual category, based on the product and many of the factors. Okay. So we can see it go up or down. So massively about that 10% as well as below that 3%, perhaps the reality is though.
Difficult to understand the overall impact that A-plus content is going to have as a data simply not available. You think about the bigger picture. If A-plus has done really well, we sell a consumer on our brand. We build a connection with them right off the detail page, and that connection might not actually be possible without really engaged in which content this content can then lead to higher repeat purchases and an increased customer lifetime.
So that is difficult to measure that three to 10% is just a guide. But what we can actually just do is look at what's the impact on the overall business, just by looking at how our sales has changed and that you can go kind of gut vibe through. Additionally, we can see an increase in things like basket size as possible, where you've got a range option.
You're not necessarily going to be able to see all that information. So the best thing to do is look at the overall sales of your account and see what impact that is. Okay. Now we've got that coffee delivered and we're back recording again. I believe. Yeah, we're going. Another thing is thinking about the impact of A-plus on your searchability.
So a lot of people feel that they can cram keywords into the A-plus thinking that is going to help with them organic ranking on Amazon, but the algorithm isn't actually indexing it. We've heard that they're indexing the, some of the assaults texts available, but. Keywords and copy that you put in the site art index, there isn't too much points, including that it is indexed in Google.
We have seen that, but it isn't necessarily indexed in Amazon classic creates a pretty terrible experience and you've got ample opportunity to get your keywords in with the bullets and the title. So you should probably just do it there. I don't remember if we just think about banking for a moment. When we talk about that topic, ramping ramping ranking is obviously determined by relevance.
How relevant to your product is for a particular search term. So when someone is searching, they're looking to produce the algorithm that is the most relevant items. Now that's determined by three factors from what we know. Three core factors, clicks, conversions, and sales. I like to keep it nice and simple.
There are others that come into that, but that's a good starting point. So if you achieve high clicks and then high ad set basket, which is the conversion and then high checkout, which is the sale, um, for a particular search term, then you're going to go up the rankings. Now a plus can impact your conversion rate, which in turn is going to have an impact on your sales rank because your conversion rates are going up.
That conversion is sale piece, that people are adding more. Therefore your relevance for those search terms are going to. I plus also can have an impact on your views. Now, strong A-plus content actually educates the customer age, locates. The prospect. If they've had not become a customer on the usage and the benefits.
Now this education essentially reduces friction and reduces the likelihood of a negative review. It also increases the likely of a positive one because they know what to expect upon delivery. Their demands are met. Their experience is there for. Now increasing positive reviews and decrease negative reviews is obviously going to help with your overall review score products with better revenue scores and higher or more reviews, have a higher ranking on Amazon because they're getting more clicks, right?
And they're getting more conversions to sales that flywheel kicks in. So the relevance ultimately increases and that compounding effect is that flywheel effect. Now it's very difficult to put an impact on AP. Um, we can look at increase in creation, conversion rates. We can look at increased sales, increased sales, ranking, increase reviews, repeat purchases, but it's quite difficult to visualize that flywheel.
There was certainly an element of trusting the system, I would say. And you can't attribute being nice. And the phones customers to grow 50% year over year. Okay. That's a classic example. Okay. If you're answering customer queries really well, you're really nice in the phone to me helping out a lot. Kind of a qualitative measure.
It's difficult to measure that and measure asking customers for feedback. So some things you just have to kind of know and trust week one, who's eligible for A-plus content. I'm just going through my list is currently available for brand registered sellers. It's also available for brands on the Amazon launchpad.
I'm now seeing brands eligible for if the on launch pad being out for a plus premium. Um, but I wouldn't recommend going for that launch pad program anyway, but that's a different discussion. I think it's just better to go to a brand registry. Um, if you're in a hurry now what's the purpose of A-plus on Amazon, the mitten of the slip of coffee and pause this.
So the purpose overall is to drive the flywheel effect that we discussed earlier on. If we look at each component though, let's try and assess the purpose of each component. And this is where the, the text and the script makes my life a little bit easier. So if we think about partnering with what we're doing or performing, where we're giving them richer explanations of the product benefits, so.
A feature is obviously something that a product has, but the features don't necessarily matter that much. Whereas the benefit tells us what impact a feature actually has. What is the outcome of having that feature? So the feature, for instance, of my Microsoft, Oh for mouse. Is it snaps flat, right? That's great.
That is a feature that it goes flat from that position. Okay. The benefits is that slides into my pocket pretty nicely. Um, um, the screen froze for a second. Okay. So that is the benefit. So it slides into my pocket on my back. So what we're looking to do is educate them on the features a little bit more by providing richer explanation.
And A-plus allows us to reinforce those benefits a little bit further down the page. It also allows us kind of utilize the space we've got with the banner or the longer, bigger, um, bigger kind of section of the page to showcase the benefit perhaps in a different way. Um, and it makes it easier for our prospects to envisage that benefit more easily.
If that is achieved, the conversion rate goes up. That flywheel kicks in another way where we can look at is how to use a, not all products are going to be simple to use your customers may also not be savvy as we say. So if they're confused about how it can benefit them or they can't visualize the steps required to achieve the benefit, they're less likely to a continue with the purchase.
Be used a product as intended and experiencing the benefits. There are also more likely to have a poor product experience, so that all kind of comes together with a don't understand how to use it. The light lithium amla, poor experiences reduce. If they do understand how to use it, the likelihood of a better experience increases you.
Plus also increase the chance of a user imagining and achieving that positive experience. So increasing conversion, increasing reviews and decreasing negative review. So increase in positive decrease negative because we're able to imagine and achieve that positive experience internally, beforehand. Not the section you can think about when you're creating this A-plus is your brand story.
Now we want to develop a connection with the customer. I always look at invoking emotion by answering essentially why you exist. Why should they buy from you and your brand, as opposed to a Chinese manufacturer, for instance, which may be slightly cheaper. Now we want to be treating a plus as a touch. And use it to essentially be unforgettable, use it, to build a tribe, use it to humanize your brand for your prospect.
Now A-plus should be achieving all of those pieces. If achieved with that brand story piece, you're able to drive those conversions up because they can buy more in, you can drive basket size up because they're more intrigued about what other products you have, because they just like you, which in turn and drives up lifetime value.
Because always looking for what other options you have. They want to buy from you again. And it builds ambassadors and spreads word of mouth. In essence, that fly wheel is spinning with that brand story being reinforced. Which follows up quite nicely to that option where we can showcase the range. I'm not going to stop for a coffee.
I'll continue. Now. Now, maybe product a doesn't necessarily solve a customer's problem, but product B might. And this happens quite a lot in the makeup industry, for instance, or cosmetics, or let's say moisturizer, you can have different thicknesses of moisturizer product, a the thin or low density moisturizer may perhaps not be exactly.
The problem solver that they're looking for, but if you are able to showcase your range where you could stick a rock. Which is more suitable for them. And you're doing that and conveying that in a suitable way. I can then transfer that customers you're still getting the conversion or B could perhaps actually solve the problem or another problem that they have as well.
So a soap is a problem, but B which you've introduced them to, which is the.  as opposed to cheap moisturizer could solve another problem, then thought about customers, always looking for solutions to their problems. Some of those problems, they are aware of some of them, they are not aware of. So some solutions, they already know some, they don't.
It's important for us to think about how we can incorporate and work from the customer backwards to understand what other problems they may have and do that within A-plus to then obviously cross sell. Additionally, if your, why aligns with that customer, and if you understand their problems or problem, then they can build trust with you.
And if they trust you, they're more likely to trust your other solutions as well. Finally, it's that cross selling opportunity, which I've said a couple of times before it drives customers to buy into your brand a bit more, which increases the basket size. So maybe they're looking for one, or there's a bundle option.
Or there's a kind of a gift pack, which has got three different things. Hey folks is George here. I'd like you to check out my new site. George's dot blog is where you can find all my famous weekly emails as well as how we can work together. So repeat that's George's dot blog. Now let's carry on with you.
So, if that gives you a few different ideas, now we're going to look a little bit into why does A-plus or what does A-plus look like in practice? That'd be pause. Okay. Well, back in now, I want to break this up into, when we're thinking about how A-plus looks in practice into two different areas. I want to go macro.
I don't want to go. So if we think about macro that's, those top level, a plus strategies to follow. So first and foremost, I've got, it gets a little bit mucky here. It was not quite as clean, but high quality images or renders renders should be used if you're in the CPG category, because it has really helped you pop less as appropriate for some other categories, but they really help.
Just level up your quality of your content, if not just high quality images also do the job great. Um, but you're only as good as your raw materials. And that is something I say to a lot of clients we work with. If you have poor images and you don't have 3d renders, then that's going to have a negative impact on your A-plus quality, like drop only as good as the materials you're using to build it.
So when we built a plus for people in a new beat that we've been doing. Some of the clients has been a little bit harder because they haven't had that concept to give us, so you need those raw kind of ingredients. Next is landing page style. Now this is something that I reinforced quite a lot is a personal opinion.
And it comes back to, I'm creating more of an experience rather than thinking about keywords. I like to think about Amazon A-plus as one big landing page or opportunity to create a landing page life experience. So what we want to be doing is using. Full width modules only where you got the shorter, full module, which is a little bit narrower, shall we say?
And then the, the longer full width module using them together, layering them on top of each other. Yeah. And utilizing just the background image. So it's just image, image image, rather than the text overlay. They suggest using that and helping them blend together to create that landing page experience. I always recommend as well during the design stage building got a plus in a page like that, putting it in a PDF so you can see how it works together rather than treating it as individual images.
Okay. And what you can also do with this kind of stretchy is you can utilize. Um, multiple modules across different listings. So you can have your wine module and then you can repurpose it over there. So if you are looking to hire someone to help with A-plus, for instance, think about it. Not as just a one-time investment, think about it as you're getting a banner, an image, which you can use multiple times over.
Okay, next point on the macro piece is mobile ready? That's a no brainer. I'm not going to reinforce it, but essentially always looking to kind of you how these images will look on mobile. Otherwise it's just not going to work. I see many people actually saw apple dirt recently put two big chunks of text inside of that.
A big paragraph, quite difficult to read on mobile, something to be aware. And the final piece is customizing A-plus for each ease and it can be cheaper. It can be easier quicker to essentially mimic the same content over and over again. Make it cool. Vague, shall we say as sometimes it does work when we're just doing about your, why that is fine, but as a rule of thumb, all content should be consistent across your assets.
Yes. But an A-plus content should be similar, but the specifics, each ACE and wants to be unique. So that could be things that. Even child, they send, you can play with the different colors. For instance, if you've got different colors or play with the different flavors, which therefore change the color as well, just to create more of a unique experience, you can also, you reuse modules, which I've made mentioned before.
And when we create them, what we like to essentially do is think about templates. So we use this stylist template, like we do a, an opening banner and then like a bigger one and than a smaller one, then a bigger one, et cetera, et cetera. You're looking to follow some sort of template just so you can rinse and repeat and create a system or a mechanism for creating a plan.
Final macro piece is avoiding tax base, tap tax text-based modules. Now they're not personalized. They're not on brand. It damages overall feeling of the A-plus page. Plus, as I mentioned earlier on it, doesn't impact searchability. Those key words don't matter. So we just don't want them in there. Okay. It's like having someone else's font on your website, you just don't want it.
Now that's the micro strategies for a little bit. Okay, we're back on again. Micro is more about this specific A-plus strategies to follow. I mentioned a few word them above, but now let's go into a few more details. One is just focusing on the benefits rather than the features, apple do this. Right. Go look at the video I put up the other day about Apple's latest A-plus page in Amazon, Australia.
It just really reinforces the benefits, not the features. Also thinking about the different content types. So I put some great examples of this from storefronts recently in this week's video as well, where we're looking at customer reviews. So building those customer reviews, putting them front and center that you're proud of in your April.
Big thumps up their lifestyles. So putting that product in use essentially. So we're helping the customer future pace to experiencing the benefits and the solution to your product. Infographics is obviously when we're thinking about some of those benefits and we're embedding them with keywords or words within the images.
Again, we're using our own fonts for things like this. We're making it personalized, making it specific to your brand, but we're telling them these are some of the benefits of having this and owning this product that you can experience. And we're doing it with couple little single keywords or multi keywords, rather than relying on a bullet points.
Storytelling another overall piece while at the turn of the story of our brand or taking my story about someone owning the product comparison chart module as discussed earlier on great for cross selling. What we can also do is use Amazon's own one. So get those clicks, but there was other examples where you can just talk about other products in your range and you can dedicate a banner to that.
Maybe you go, if you don't like this, you may like this for argument's sake. And actually having that within your A-plus. Unboxing also nice. If you've got a nice unboxing experience, it gets people excited about that process. So here's what you're going to be receiving. Here's how you're going to be able to set it up and use it.
Here's what day one's going to look like, which then reinforces my next point, which is how to use were explaining. First you're going to do this. This works a lot in consumables. Um, so you're going to apply a little bit to your finger. Then you're going to do this. Then you're going to do this, or are you going to make the perfect smoothie by adding it to this, this, this, and you can create a real nice lifestyle shoot for that.
How to use now as a rule of thumb, um, what, what we think about with banner one that the first banner that we see. On the A-plus is a pattern interrupt. And what I essentially mean by that is we're looking to contrast the white background color that we're going to be seeing around with that. So above that first image, you're going to see some white.
We need to contrast that ideally. So to thinking about how you can do that, to grab that attention from day one. Now final piece is why a plus content on Amazon is an investment and want that's the mindset you need to have. So a lot of people, they think about it just as a cost, a straight up cost, rather than thinking about you're investing essentially in the flywheel effect.
That's how I like to think about it. We're adding fuel to the fire and we're going to watch that compound over time. So many brands I speak to a sin is a sunk cost rather than an impact. Now it may or may not achieve a positive return on the investment in the first month, more than likely. It probably won't depending on how big of a salary you are, a brand who you are, but just like Amazon advertising, where you're investing in traffic with A-plus, you're investing in conversion, which helps us.
You help us. The traffic makes so much more sense. Now you're investing in strong relationships with customers. You're investing in your brand image on your investing at lifetime. Some of it is qualitative investments is difficult to see a key, like a specific ROI there. But if you look at kind of the macro figures of how is our account performing six months after, as an overall success, after we did eight plus and every single product page, you're likely going to see the benefits there, will it be easily attributable, perhaps not, but that's where you will see the ROI is that flywheel kicking.
And obviously what you need to be aware of is this investment compounds. Now A-plus directly impacts the flywheel and the firewall compounds over time. So as conversions go up, sales grow basket size increases, repeat purchases, come through. We've used increase sales rank improves on your flywheel.
Faster. Now this process is always strong. Repeat what I plus may not need to be changed for two years. And you've got, therefore got two years of compounding effects. And so do you need to go change it now, if you do everything right, your AR your ROI on A-plus should theoretically be huge because your investment can be quite small.
And in comparison to that two years of compounding growth. And like I said before, you're not necessarily going to know that figure, but it theory you should, hopefully this has been beneficial. 20 minutes. So for the A-plus, but gives you a bit of structure. Um, if you want any more help, just give us a shout.
Cheers. Hey guys, just a quick one. If you are enjoying the podcast and either have some actionable next steps or new ideas, I'd really appreciate. If you could one subscribe to the show and leave us a review. These are really, really important to us, as you probably know, being in the Amazon. And two, if you're looking for additional support with your brand, head over to the website, it's always day, where we've got links to other resources.
That's all for now. Guys speak. So.