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That Tree Lady

That Tree Lady invites you into conversations with me, Hettie Brittz, my son and collaborator, Pero Brittz and occasional guests about the role of our personality types in leadership, life, marriage, parenting and business. I decided to own the tree lady title (assigned to me by a 4-year-old whose mom is one of my trained facilitators) since I am most strongly associated with my Tree Type personality style terminology (Rose Bush, Palm Tree, Boxwood and Pine Tree) and for developing the Evergreen Parenting course, co-developing Tall Trees Profiles for leaders, teens parents and children with Annatjie van Zyl and authoring books such as Growing Kids with Character and (un)Natural Mom. I talk about people as trees - alive, diverse, seasonal and fruitful! That Tree Lady invites you into thinking deeply, candidly and often humorously about your unique design and how it complements or clashes with the uniqueness of others. You'll be validated, challenged to grow, and empowered with practical tools to improve your relationships, grow as a person and step into new levels of leadership in all spheres of life.I am a tree transplanted from South Africa to North-East Tennessee. I believe in brilliant - not just intelligent - design and I know that you and everyone around you can choose to grow! My slogan is "Know your design; live your purpose!" and my main goal is to help you do that. Feel free to have a look at my website for more (www.hettiebrittz.com) - soon to be udated! Talltreestraining.com and evergreenparenting.co.za are other great places to find more of my resources. Connect with me on https://www.facebook.com/HettieBrittzAuthor or subscribe to my YouTube channel at YouTube/hettiebrittz for all the latest tree talk!

That Tree Lady