The Octave Leap Podcast

Episode 056 - Bringing Food Back to Nature (with Judy Koons)

David Khan

"Let Food be thy Medicine" - Hippocrates

We live in a world where we have to pay extra for non-modified, natural food.  The education we receive around food is very poor as the interests of the food industry outweigh health.

No wonder people buy into fad diets and radical health claims that end up increasing suffering.

Food is meant to bring us sustained health and increase the body's capacity to circulate life force. Judy Koons, the True Health Detective, joins David in de-mystifying this seemingly complicated subject of food and bringing back to simplicity.

Judy believes in bringing food back to nature, redefining our relationship with food, and changing the beliefs around what food actually does for us.

Throw out your four-groups-food-pyramid and get ready to hop on the simple path back to a natural relationship with food!

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