The Octave Leap Podcast

Episode 072 - Mending the Deeper Layer with Family Constellation (with Harriet Goudard)

David Khan

The Universal law of 'As above, so below' reflects any activity we partake in.  Never has the time been more ripe to really see and observe this rapidly increasing 'feedback loop', as we are invited to go deeper within ourselves than ever before. Thus, our activities in business, or the crypto space (as external manifestations of Self), can be perfect gauges for our internal clarity.  And our internal clarity is heavily impacted by our ANCESTRY.

Family Constellation is a form of powerful work that can help us claim the fullness of who we are by birthright. It is

- A vehicle for easeful healing,
- cultivating a deep level of presence and somatic awareness
- connection into our deeper purpose
- Weaving the greater threads of Life.

Once these blocks are seen, held, properly honored and then moved through, we tend to see massive shifts, both inside and out.

For example:

- Freeing up huge amount of life force energy, so that we feel more alive and impassioned in everything we do,
- The gentle palpation of the nervous system as we resolve and move beyond our own (and generational) traumas, enabling us to connect more deeply into our channel,
- The resolution, of what were perceived as issues, or symptoms before in our businesses, relationships, health, etc

Join David and Harriet Goudard (A family constellation practitioner) for a deep dive into this topic.  Harriet will discuss her 3-step process for rapidly healing ancestral imbalances!

Learn more about how Family Systemic Constellations can benefit you at Harriet's Masterclass, Soul Speak. Sign up here ($22 - $55 Sliding Scale):

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