D’Amato & Szabo: Wine Thieves
D’Amato & Szabo: Wine Thieves
Femmes du Vin Part II: Emily Pearce and Michelle Bouffard
Last fall we interviewed some of the exceptional speakers of the Femmes du Vin Harvest Series and we are delighted to be able to present them to you now. Femmes du Vin is a grassroots women’s organization dedicated to promoting and amplifying the voices of all women in wine. Visit femmesduvin.org to find out more about their upcoming seminar series. In this episode we welcome two special guests: Femmes du Vin founder, new mom and award-winning sommelier Emily Pearce, who tells us about the importance of elevating the position of women in the field of sommellerie, some of her wins and challenges in the industry, as well as how to access the replays of all the enriching Femmes du Vin sessions to date. Our second guest is Michelle Bouffard, a wine judge, critic, educator, speaker, author, founder of Tasting Climate Change, an MW student and a musician! The environmental impact of the wine industry, how you can help off-set your travelling lifestyle and the Tasting Climate Change conference are all on the docket of this conversation. Join us for this long-awaited episode of Wine Thieves! [Emily Pearce interview: 02:32, Michelle Bouffard interview: 21:06] To access videos of the Harvest Seminars sessions, visit: https://www.femmesduvin.org/harvest-seminar-videos