Belly Dance Alchemy

Ep 5 - Being a Rock Star Coach or Mentor

Kelli Nottingham Season 1 Episode 5

Like  learning new dance movements, being an effective coach or mentor requires focused skills practice and a learning mindset.

In our last episode,  we discussed ways for learners to make the most of 1:1 coaching or mentoring time.  Today's episode focuses on the other side of the relationship, with some best practices from the world of corporate coaching & mentoring, to help you make the most of that precious 1:1 time with your learner.

We'll dig into:

  • Effective Goal Setting, with drill down questions to help your learner set great goals
  • Active Listening Tips 
  • Setting Healthy Boundaries 
  • Derailers -  What are they?  How can a Mentor/Coach address them?

We also look at a question most Mentors & Coaches don't ask:

  • How do YOU as the Mentor/Coach want to grow during these 1:1 sessions?

Let's get to it!

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