Belly Dance Alchemy

S2 Ep 18 (Mini): The Harvest of Your Choices

Kelli Nottingham Season 2 Episode 18

Hot chocolate, pumpkin pie, and those puffy vests that people dig out of the back of their closet as soon as the weather gets a slight chill.  Ah yes autumn!  My favorite season.

Whenever autumn comes around, it sends me into self-reflection mode.  Something about the world shedding its summer glory to rest into winter's chill inspires me to slow down and think:

How has my year gone so far?  Are there things I need to change to get better results before the end of the year?  What results have come into my life from the choices I've made?

Do I really need more hot chocolate?  (Answer: always yes).  

In this mini-episode, we'll start that reflection process with two different approaches.  Enjoy!

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