unikkaat / unipkaat ungipaghat / nallunairutet Circumpolar Waves

ICC – 2020 - A Year in Review

Inuit Circumpolar Council Season 1 Episode 6

In this final podcast episode for 2020 we bring you messages from all ICC offices in Alaska, Greenland, Chukotka, and Canada. Hosted by ICC Chair Dalee Sambo Dorough we include some overview of the activities we were involved in during the past 12 months, of course marked by the global coronavirus pandemic. You will hear from Vera Metcalfe in Alaska, Hjalmar Dahl in Greenland, Liubov Tayan in Chukotka, Monica Ell-Kanayuk and Lisa Koperqualuk from ICC Canada as well as seasonal greetings from the staff. 

You’ll hear Inuktitut spoken from Alaska, Canada, and Greenland, and Russian from Chukotka. We have included an English translation of the report from Chukotka by Irina Appa, who has worked with ICC for many years.  You'll find it in the transcript section. Thank you Irina.

Music is by Lisa Koperqualuk and throat singing partner Caroline Novalinga from Puvirnituq, Quebec. At the close of the podcast you can also hear Nelson Tagoona, Inuit throat boxing artist from Baker Lake, Nunavut. Additional narration is by Hazel Ootoowak, Project and Office Coordinator at ICC Canada.

For more information about ICC, check out our website at inuitcircumpolar.com or find us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Hello --- this is a translation of the report from Chukotka heard in Russian on the podcast. We thank Irina Appa for the translation.


My name is Lyuba Tayan. I am the chairman of the public organization Inuit Pre-Polar Council Chukotka. 


In a few days, we welcome the new year 2021. I wanted to say, despite the pandemic, this year was still busy with meetings. 2020 will be remembered by many because of Covid-19. I wanted to share some information about the situation in Chukotka regarding Covid-19. As you probably know, total population in our region is 50,288. From this number, 422 were infected, 368 recovered, and four passed away. One of them was Chukchi, a member of the indigenous people of Chukotka. The Covid-19 was widely spread in densely populated cities such as Anadyr, Pevek, and Bilibino. As of today, the latest statistics show zero in the Inuit communities. We still have to wear masks and wash our hands. 


Despite such circumstances, we continue to meet at the local, regional, and international levels by video conferencing.


At times, we have internet problems, but we find different ways to work, which is excellent. This year, according to the Utkiaghvik declaration, we have created 10 groups that represent each Yupik district in the Chukotka Region. 


We also continue to work closely with the Government and the Duma of the Chukotka Region. As an example, on December 10, our region celebrated its 90th anniversary. Next year, it will be exactly 20 years since we signed the MOU between the Regional Government, the ICC Chukotka, and the Regional Association of Indigenous Minorities of the Chukotka. In connection with such events, we participate in various meetings and conferences.  


On such a note, I also want to congratulate all Inuit, their families, and friends with the New 2021 year. New Year is always associated with new wishes. I hope all the negatives will stay in the year of 2020, and only the good and positive may guide you in the new year. 


We will also be celebrating Christmas. Some of you will celebrate before the New Year, and in Russia, the majority will celebrate after the New Year. Every year, many of us are waiting for this bright and wonderful holiday season. On such a beautiful day, I want to wish you warm and sincere wishes. May God, love, warmth, and light protect us from evil and troubles. 


In one of our traditional Yupik dances, we have a semicircle movement. That movement represents our land and the ocean. This movement also unites all four Inuit countries: Chukotka, Greenland, Alaska, and Canada.


I wish all my Inuit brothers and sisters happiness and safety in 2021! I hope that we can all meet next year in 2021.  

Quyakamsi qamaggglyusi