Guides Gone Wild

STOKE SHORT!: Go Curling! (No, Seriously) with Holly Twining of Maine Yoga Adventures

Guides Gone Wild

Maine Yoga Adventures - on Instagram and Facebook
Holly Twining on Guides Gone Wild
Washington Baths (Portland, ME)

Variety is the spice of life, as they say, and by that definition Holly Twining of Maine Yoga Adventures has been LIV-ING.

Based on her update, I’m thinking she needs to change her business name to 'International Yoga Adventures' - wait until you hear about all the amazing places she’s been lately, and what she’s got planned heading to in 2023!

But she hasn’t forgotten her home base in Maine, and has plenty of winter fun on tap that will be made that much more awesome now that we got a good solid dumping of snow, hooray! Head on over to Maine Yoga Adventures to find out all about it…