Guides Gone Wild

Build the Race (and Community) You Want to Be Part Of: Heidi Myers, Rasputitsa Dirt

Guides Gone Wild

Huge thanks for joining me today! I’ve been noticing a lot of new ears around these parts lately (plus I’m on the road and a bit time starved this week, to be honest), so I decided it was a good time to hop into the Wayback Machine and encore a conversation with one of my favorite people and one of the best connector friends this pod has ever had, Heidi Myers.

If you’ve been listening for a little bit, you’ve probably heard Heidi’s name plenty of times, because she’s connected me with a ton of fantastic women who’ve been great pod guests. Heck, just a few weeks back we had Susan Shashok of Caroline’s Dream Skincare on the pod and guess how I knew about her? Yup, that’s right, I met her at an amazing women’s bike and fly fishing event organized by none other than Heidi Myers!

Heidi is one of the founders of Rasputitsa, a spring gravel bike "race" and sufferfest for the rest of us hosted in the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont. This year, 2023, the event will be on Saturday, April 29th, and while the race itself has been sold out for months, it’s one of the best spectator takes and party weekends around, so don’t put those Kinco gloves away yet, you might want them for the tailgate!

Heidi also serves as the Associate Dean of Marketing and Communications for Vermont’s Sterling College, and is one of the most inspiring people - and Instagram feeds - I’ve ever encountered. She shows up like no one else, and I’m so grateful to know her.

Hop over and check out @RasputitsaDirt on Instagram or and you’ll see what I mean.

I’m so excited to bump this conversation from almost two years ago, so YOU get to know Heidi Myers too - enjoy!