Guides Gone Wild

Guide for Guides: Social Media Marketing (Part 1/3) with Jaimie Crawford

Guides Gone Wild

Today we are kicking off a special series called 'Guides for Guides'.

This idea boinked into my brain back last year when I talked with Jaimie Crawford, one of the marketing and social media brains behind the Mt. Washington Valley Chamber of Commerce’s fantastic “Hire a Guide” campaign and profiles.

Jaimie, as luck would have it, is super knowledgeable about social media marketing, and how it can be effectively applied to launch and build small businesses - and she also happens to have an affinity for working with guides and small businesses in the outdoor space. 

So Jaimie’s back, and we dorked out for a VERY LONG TIME about marketing and social media - so long that I broke this into three parts to keep it manageable for you.
(But you are DEFINITELY going to want to listen to them all, because whether you’re a budding guide, building a personal brand or startup, or have been running your business for years, there will be more than a few nuggets of pure gold for you in these episodes, I promise!)

Here’s what we’ll be covering:

  • In Part 1, we’re going to set up the foundation of basic marketing knowledge and terminology that will lay our groundwork for the next two episodes - all about brand, storytelling, target markets, funnels, etc.
  • In Part 2, we’ll be diving into social media specifically, and the role it can and should (and should not?) play in your overall marketing strategy
  • Finally, Part 3 will round us out with a discussion of community building and strategic action taking

Here are some links to helpful resources you'll hear about:

And before we go - special thanks to our title sponsor, Evans Notch Lodge!