Guides Gone Wild

Guide for Guides: Liability Insurance (Part 1/2) with Miriam Ball, Alternative Balance

May 25, 2023 Guides Gone Wild

It's the topic most of us love to hate or avoid... insurance.

But for anyone who's thinking of taking folks outside, out of their comfort zones and into the wild (even if the wild is a nicely manicured campground just off a main road), you NEED to protect yourself from the random things that might happen!

My guests for the next two episodes are here to help you find your path through all the regulations and jargon, so you can be confident you're covered - so you're able to spend your limited time and resources on things that you love (and are also important to your business!) like creating memorable and amazing experiences for your clients.

Today's guest is Miriam Ball from Alternative Balance, a NH-based membership group that provides guides and practitioners with access to professional and general liability coverage in health, beauty and wellness spaces that fall outside traditional business liability models.

If you're an outdoor guide or trip leader who offers (or wants to start offering) outdoor fitness or yoga instruction, nutrition or wellness coaching, massage therapy, reiki, forest bathing, energy work, etc., Alternative Balance can be a great option, and Miriam has LOTS of insight to share today.

(Or if your guide offerings include fishing, hunting, boating, that kind of thing, you're going to want to tune in to Part 2 next week, because those service lines are right in the crosshairs for Cross Current Insurance - yes, pun absolutely intended - and next week's guest Angela Ziogas has tons of great tips and perspective to offer as both an advisor and sportswoman herself.)

Listen, learn, enjoy!
And then check out an awesome option to get yourself and your business some top-notch liability insurance:
See profiles of Alternative Balance members here:
Special thanks to our series sponsor Evans Notch Lodge:
And if you're guiding or leading trips in Maine, consider joining the Maine Wilderness Guides Organization!