Happy UN Career Podcast

Are You Ready to Take Action in Your UN Career?

October 20, 2020 Barbara Koegs Andersen Episode 7
Are You Ready to Take Action in Your UN Career?
Happy UN Career Podcast
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Happy UN Career Podcast
Are You Ready to Take Action in Your UN Career?
Oct 20, 2020 Episode 7
Barbara Koegs Andersen

Hello, and welcome to this episode which is all about taking action!

In all the episodes until now, I’ve offered you ways to reflect on what works and what doesn’t work in your career and work life. 

And then I’ve suggested that you look for and decide on action points. Big or small

So today, I’ll share some tips that will help you do exactly that: take action. 

Because it might seem like there’s so much you could do or should do? 

But how do you prioritise? How do you find the time and resources for taking action?

You’re busy. I know! And I totally understand if it feels like you have enough on your plate. How can you possibly find time to do something new or different?

But the strange thing is that when something is important enough, you find time for it. 

Or if it’s attractive enough. Or maybe just small and easy enough.

Remember when you’ve been in love? How suddenly you always had time and energy to see or call your loved one. Even if you were crazy busy with work. But, Barbara, you might say - that was hormones doing their work! Or that you were younger, maybe? 

But still, somehow you managed to do more with the same amount of time. Because your priorities changed! And you felt a surge of energy, sure. But you can create that situation in other ways!

If you think I’m a bit far out here, I have another example that I think anybody who’s a parent will be able to identify with:  

You get a call from the kindergarten. Your son had an accident on the playground. He’s bleeding from a small wound on his forehead and they think it’s best if he’s taken to the emergency room. Just to be on the safe side. 

Until this moment you were totally absorbed with your work duties for the day and your long to-do list. Now, suddenly you have no problem changing your priorities. There’s no question that you have to go to the emergency room. And you quickly prioritise what tasks can be dealt with by phone in the car, what can be handed over to a colleague – and what can simply be postponed or written off.

What happened? All your work tasks are the same. But your thinking around the tasks and your prioritisation changed.

You can make this happen yourself without accidents on the playground.

So, if you know that there are things you want to take action on for your own UN Career Project, I’ll give you 3 simple and concrete steps to follow...

Read the full show notes at www.barbarakandersen.com/7

Show Notes

Hello, and welcome to this episode which is all about taking action!

In all the episodes until now, I’ve offered you ways to reflect on what works and what doesn’t work in your career and work life. 

And then I’ve suggested that you look for and decide on action points. Big or small

So today, I’ll share some tips that will help you do exactly that: take action. 

Because it might seem like there’s so much you could do or should do? 

But how do you prioritise? How do you find the time and resources for taking action?

You’re busy. I know! And I totally understand if it feels like you have enough on your plate. How can you possibly find time to do something new or different?

But the strange thing is that when something is important enough, you find time for it. 

Or if it’s attractive enough. Or maybe just small and easy enough.

Remember when you’ve been in love? How suddenly you always had time and energy to see or call your loved one. Even if you were crazy busy with work. But, Barbara, you might say - that was hormones doing their work! Or that you were younger, maybe? 

But still, somehow you managed to do more with the same amount of time. Because your priorities changed! And you felt a surge of energy, sure. But you can create that situation in other ways!

If you think I’m a bit far out here, I have another example that I think anybody who’s a parent will be able to identify with:  

You get a call from the kindergarten. Your son had an accident on the playground. He’s bleeding from a small wound on his forehead and they think it’s best if he’s taken to the emergency room. Just to be on the safe side. 

Until this moment you were totally absorbed with your work duties for the day and your long to-do list. Now, suddenly you have no problem changing your priorities. There’s no question that you have to go to the emergency room. And you quickly prioritise what tasks can be dealt with by phone in the car, what can be handed over to a colleague – and what can simply be postponed or written off.

What happened? All your work tasks are the same. But your thinking around the tasks and your prioritisation changed.

You can make this happen yourself without accidents on the playground.

So, if you know that there are things you want to take action on for your own UN Career Project, I’ll give you 3 simple and concrete steps to follow...

Read the full show notes at www.barbarakandersen.com/7