Happy UN Career Podcast

Is It Time to Take the Next step in Your UN Career?

June 18, 2021 Barbara Koegs Andersen Episode 20
Is It Time to Take the Next step in Your UN Career?
Happy UN Career Podcast
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Happy UN Career Podcast
Is It Time to Take the Next step in Your UN Career?
Jun 18, 2021 Episode 20
Barbara Koegs Andersen

Is it time to get going?

Hello, and welcome to this short episode which is about a mindset issue that many of us struggle with: 

When is it time to take the next step? 

Or to use my favourite car analogy: When is it time to go from “being parked” to “start driving”?

Do you want something else?

For this episode, I was inspired by a conversation with a new client the other day where she shared with me how for several years she had been feeling, well... - not really happy in her job. She had a dream of “something else”, but she had not really been able to articulate that dream. 

And she was also feeling a bit guilty about wanting something else because it was a good job that she was in. She felt she ought to be happy.

The reason she was talking to me about it was that she had finally reached that stage where she knew that she had to act. She could no longer stay in that “dreaming of something else” stage but needed to move to the next stage. She needed to take action. 

Since she still wasn’t sure exactly what that “something else” should be, her first action step was to contact me and get help to figure that out.

Being stuck in the dream stage

And as we spoke, I was reminded of the time when I was in that dream stage (for lack of a better word) myself. 

I spent a fair number of years where I was dreaming of something else, but where I didn’t really know what else to do. 

Because there were many things to be happy about in my job. 

I had great colleagues, a nice boss, interesting work responsibilities and I was working for a wonderful cause. But still, I was not satisfied. And I felt a bit guilty about not being happy. 

When I told people about my job they were impressed. Thought it sounded really exciting. “Yes”, I said. “It is!” 

And I thought: “That’s right. I ought to be happy!” 

And still, I wasn’t. Not because there was anything wrong in any concrete way. But because I needed, and wanted, to move on. Learn new things. Use different sides of my skills. Meet new people. 

It just wasn’t clear to me what that “something else” should be

I often meet clients who are in a similar situation. And I notice that it often also comes up when I speak to people in private contexts. 

So, I have a very important point I want to make today:  

It’s ok to want something else!

 Even if you don’t have a clear career plan.

 t’s ok that you want to quit and move to the next part. Do something else!

Maybe you’re right now longing to move on, but you’re worried about taking that next step. You’re concerned about the unknown.  

Because you know what you’ve got, right? Even if you’re not super happy about what you’ve got.

And quite possibly you’re also exhausted from the daily grind you’re in and find it hard to muster the energy to make a move.

What are you missing out on while you're waiting?

On the weekend a good friend talked about the time when he took up his first management position. It had been a hard transition for him, but also very rewarding. And he reflected upon this and said: “I should have made that move much earlier.” 

The reason why he had waited so long to make that move was that he was so comfortable with knowing his old job very well. He felt very competent there. And very safe. And there’s something to say for that of course. 

But while waiting to take that step, he was missing out on personal and professional development. The excitement of learning and mastering new responsibilities. Have influence. 

Read the full show notes at www.barbarakandersen.com/20

Show Notes

Is it time to get going?

Hello, and welcome to this short episode which is about a mindset issue that many of us struggle with: 

When is it time to take the next step? 

Or to use my favourite car analogy: When is it time to go from “being parked” to “start driving”?

Do you want something else?

For this episode, I was inspired by a conversation with a new client the other day where she shared with me how for several years she had been feeling, well... - not really happy in her job. She had a dream of “something else”, but she had not really been able to articulate that dream. 

And she was also feeling a bit guilty about wanting something else because it was a good job that she was in. She felt she ought to be happy.

The reason she was talking to me about it was that she had finally reached that stage where she knew that she had to act. She could no longer stay in that “dreaming of something else” stage but needed to move to the next stage. She needed to take action. 

Since she still wasn’t sure exactly what that “something else” should be, her first action step was to contact me and get help to figure that out.

Being stuck in the dream stage

And as we spoke, I was reminded of the time when I was in that dream stage (for lack of a better word) myself. 

I spent a fair number of years where I was dreaming of something else, but where I didn’t really know what else to do. 

Because there were many things to be happy about in my job. 

I had great colleagues, a nice boss, interesting work responsibilities and I was working for a wonderful cause. But still, I was not satisfied. And I felt a bit guilty about not being happy. 

When I told people about my job they were impressed. Thought it sounded really exciting. “Yes”, I said. “It is!” 

And I thought: “That’s right. I ought to be happy!” 

And still, I wasn’t. Not because there was anything wrong in any concrete way. But because I needed, and wanted, to move on. Learn new things. Use different sides of my skills. Meet new people. 

It just wasn’t clear to me what that “something else” should be

I often meet clients who are in a similar situation. And I notice that it often also comes up when I speak to people in private contexts. 

So, I have a very important point I want to make today:  

It’s ok to want something else!

 Even if you don’t have a clear career plan.

 t’s ok that you want to quit and move to the next part. Do something else!

Maybe you’re right now longing to move on, but you’re worried about taking that next step. You’re concerned about the unknown.  

Because you know what you’ve got, right? Even if you’re not super happy about what you’ve got.

And quite possibly you’re also exhausted from the daily grind you’re in and find it hard to muster the energy to make a move.

What are you missing out on while you're waiting?

On the weekend a good friend talked about the time when he took up his first management position. It had been a hard transition for him, but also very rewarding. And he reflected upon this and said: “I should have made that move much earlier.” 

The reason why he had waited so long to make that move was that he was so comfortable with knowing his old job very well. He felt very competent there. And very safe. And there’s something to say for that of course. 

But while waiting to take that step, he was missing out on personal and professional development. The excitement of learning and mastering new responsibilities. Have influence. 

Read the full show notes at www.barbarakandersen.com/20