The History of Film
The History of Film
19- Murderers, Vamps and Deviants: The Work of Louis Feuillade
It is a little late, but it is also long! This is one I have been researching and working on for a long time.
This week it's all about a new kind of serial film–one that takes us out of the light, and into the shadowy depths of a criminal and violent Paris. Louis Feuillade takes us to depths not before plumbed by this show, as we give some much-deserved attention to serial films made by the man whom Alice Guy hand-picked to be her replacement. Fantomas and Les Vampires are two excellent movie serials that will keep you on the edge of your seat! You can watch them on YouTube, but if you have access to it through your local library, I recommend you use the streaming service Kanopy to give them a watch!
The clip I used of Alfred Hitchcock I got here. You can see resources for this episode and others at historyoffilmpodcast.com, and you can contact me at historyoffilmpodcast@gmail.com.
Happy Listening!