Coffee and Jesus

When Grief Interrupts

Jamie Crosier Episode 40

We may think that the best way to live our life is by having the best vision boards and family planners. But, what happens when those plans are interrupted by grief? Everret Maxine shares how her relationship with Christ helped her. 

It was time for her to share her truths about her struggling marriage, challenges with faith, battles with depression and suicide attempts and trusting the process of grief. July 2019, her podcast was birthed titled “The Absence of Her” in memory of her mother in which she shares her truth from childhood to adulthood about being sexually abused, living with the spirit of rejection, grief, and issues facing women daily.

She can be followed on Instagram @iameverretmaxine, Twitter @everretmaxine, Facebook Iameverretmaxine and her YouTube channel Everret Maxine.