Feel The Good with Shawl

Episode 21: Lily Womble, Date Brazen

Shawlini Manjunath-Holbrook Season 2 Episode 21

Dating as an act of self care.  It sounds strange doesn't it? I don't think I would ever think of dating in that way, but meet Lily Womble, former top matchmaker and dating coach who firmly believes that not only should we start thinking of it like that, but in fact, dating should feel good.  In this conversation, we chat strategies and ways in which single women can build successful, fulfilling and joyful dating lives on their own terms and ways in which we can all give ourselves the permission to be the leaders in our own lives. 

Get ready to start asking courageous questions, getting comfortable with what you want and pursuing joy in your relationships.  Leave this Feel the Good conversation feeling empowered, feeling confident and feeling liberated.
Follow Shawl on Instagram/Twitter: @shawlinivmh
Website: https://www.shawlinivmh.com/
Transcripts Available: https://www.shawlinivmh.com/ftg-transcripts

Follow Lily Womble 
Instagram: @datebrazen
Date Brazen Podcast: https://www.datebrazen.com/blog

Spread the Good to Lily's Charity Mentioned in this Episode: 
The Loveland Foundation 