Energy Transition Today

Financing UK subsidy-free renewables with Gowling WLG and LBBW

inspiratia Episode 8

For the second of two special episodes of the Joint Venture in partnership with law firm Gowling WLG, our attention turns to the financing of new UK subsidy-free renewables projects

In this episode, you will hear a recent conversation with Nath Curtis, a banking and finance partner at Gowling WLG, and Chris Williams from the bank LBBW. 

We focussed in on the financing perspective for UK subsidy-free renewables projects, taking in topics such as the effect of power price movements, the impact of Covid-19, what the optimal power purchase agreement looks like, and the prospect of subsidy returning to onshore wind and solar.

Other issues on the agenda included the longer-term viability of either fully merchant projects, or those with at least some form of merchant exposure, as well as how the level of government intervention stacks up against the requirements to meet the binding decarbonisation targets the UK has set.

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Music credit: NDA/Show You instrumental/Tribe of Noise

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