Emotions & the Gospel | Part 1 | Heidi Goehmann
The Concordia Publishing House Podcast
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The Concordia Publishing House Podcast
Emotions & the Gospel | Part 1 | Heidi Goehmann
Aug 20, 2022 Season 3 Episode 26
Concordia Publishing House

In this episode of The Concordia Publishing House Podcast, author Heidi Goehmann discusses the complexities of our emotions and how they connect us to our Creator. 

Pre-order her upcoming book Emotions & the Gospel: Created for Connection by visiting cph.org. Download a preview by visiting books.cph.org/emotions-and-the-gospel

 Show Notes:

God is emotional – but we don’t always think of Him that way. 
 To begin this first part of a three-part miniseries, Heidi Goehmann explains how hard it can be to discuss and analyze our emotions from a Christian perspective. Heidi also looks into how God leans into us and our emotions, and how we are filled with His grace through all different emotions. 

In these episodes Heidi will talk listeners through what God says about our emotions. Keep up with Heidi’s episodes to find out all of these lessons and more found in Heidi’s upcoming book. 

Heidi’s website: heidigoehmann.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/heidigoehmannwrites
Instagram: @heidigoehmann
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/HeidiGoehmannWrites                      


Questions Covered

What are some of the questions you hear from people about emotions and faith and our relationship with God?
 Why is it important to understand the ‘emotions foundation’ you mention in your book and know what we are resting on?
 Is it helpful for us to consider emotions apart from how we are experiencing them day to day?
 Should we consider our emotions as a gift from God?
 How can our emotions connect us to our Creator?
 Your describe a process-oriented approach to our emotions. What does that mean in a nutshell?


About the Guest

Heidi Goehmann is a licensed clinical social worker and mental health provider, deaconess, writer, speaker, wife, mom, and advocate. She can always be found at heidigoehmann.com advocating and providing resources for mental health and genuine relationship. Heidi loves her family, sticky notes, Jesus, adventure, Star Wars, Star Trek, and new ideas.... not necessarily in that order. 

Besides Emotions & the Gospel, Heidi has also published Altogether Beautiful: A Study of the Songs of Songs and Finding Hope: From Brokenness to Restoration with Concordia Publishing House.