DISCy Chicks
We are two chicks that focus our business around the DISC communications assessment in the workplace for coaching, hiring, teaming, personal development and more. We want to teach YOU to understand the benefits of using DISC in your workplace too.
DISCy Chicks
Plot Your Team's Motivators on a Team Wheel
Cindy Jacoby and Martha Forlines
Season 4
Episode 10
Where would you fall on your team's motivators wheel?
The Chicks have gone live on Facebook! We do our best to describe the visuals in the video, so if you are listening to our podcast, you can also go to DISCy Chicks Podcast on Facebook.
Cindy and Martha continue the theme of workplace teaming by sharing the team Driving Forces wheel this week. As a leader, knowing the motivators of your individual team members enables you to keep them engaged and motivated to do their great work! Disengagement occurs when their top four driving forces don't get met on the job day-to-day...think retention of your high performing employees!
discychicks- today's episode