DISCy Chicks
DISCy Chicks
DISC in Action: Christie Haynes
Christie Haynes is a senior level executive that has been using the Talent Insights Assessment (DISC Behaviors and Driving Forces) for eight plus years. Listen as she describes how she and her management teams utilized these tools in a number of ways including selection of new hires using the benchmarking process. Christie and her team found the Talent Insights report also enabled communicating more effectively with their teams, and delivering feedback in a way that resonates with the individual employee, especially at performance review time.
Other applications of the assessment are improving team communication and enabling team members to deliver high quality results on the job. She also loves using the team report to leverage the strengths of each of the team members and become aware of her employees' limitations. Many thanks to Christie for sharing these insights of how to leverage the TTISI assessments that can make a difference in successful outcomes for your business!