Business Brainwaves with Renate Jute

Estates - Minors, Spouses & Exes

Renate Jute Season 1 Episode 30

Blended families with yours, mine & ours have become the norm. This however holds it's own unique challenges when it comes to deceased estates.
South African law upholds the principle of freedom of testation. But what happens when the testator forgot to make provision in his will for a child or a spouse’s maintenance after the testator’s death?

In this episode I look at the rights of minors, spouses and exes.

  • Claims by children of the deceased
  • Claims by spouses
  • Exes and maintenance claims
  • Exes and your will

Read more about your ex and your will in the cliffedekkerhofmeyr article

To access more of my information on trusts visit my blog  or listen to my other trust podcast episodes.

For assistance with all your trust and estate matters connect with me on,  or subscribe to our mailing list on