The Other Side Of Potential

Episode 217: Balancing Marriage, Family, and Business and When to Ask for Help

November 23, 2022 Sharon Spano Episode 217

Married life can be challenging enough on its own. But when you’re trying to balance it with raising a family and building a business, even the most robust relationships can end up taking strain. And when your time and attention are being demanded by so many key areas, something is bound to end up being neglected. 

More often than not, it’s the marriage that ends up being inadvertently sacrificed for the sake of growing and maintaining a thriving business. With so many demands on your time, it can be difficult to make room for marriage counseling, and often it takes the threat of divorce or separation for couples to take action. This is where constellation work can be extremely useful. Underpinned by 70 years of research practice, constellation work can be used to unpack a variety of systems and relationships in your life. It’s an opportunity to do deep work and gain clarity in a compressed amount of time, a boon for couples that can’t afford months, or even years, of marriage counseling.

In today’s solo cast, Dr. Sharon Spano reflects on how she is seeing more and more couples struggle with the strain of marriage, family, and entrepreneurship. With empathy and respect, Dr. Spano unpacks how dynamics in your marriage system can cause problems and offers a breakdown of how the constellation method can help couples gain clarity and receive guidance over the course of a 90-minute session. Tuning in you’ll hear about the special deal she is offering over the Black Friday period, why she put it together, and how listeners can access it.

Seeking help takes courage. And it’s important to remember that you don’t need to take action all on your own. When you have the support of a professional, you can enter a space where reflection, clarity, and growth can readily take place. To learn more about the counseling that Dr. Spano is offering over this period, be sure to tune in today.

What you’ll learn about in this episode:

  • Learn about Dr. Spano’s 6-week Marriage Masterclass.
  • An overview of the special offer running through Black Friday and Cyber Monday.
  • The concept of a marriage constellation and who can benefit from it.
  • Why Dr. Spano decided to put together this marriage constellation offer.
  • How constellations create a visual representation of what’s going on in your relationships.
  • Examples of how constellations can be used in other areas.
  • How Dr. Spano discovered the constellation process and became certified.
  • The 70 years of research practice that underpins the constellation process.
  • What to expect from a 90-minute session with Dr. Spano.
  • How the marriage constellation process can help spouses who are trying to balance raising a family, maintaining their marriage, and building a business.


Links Mentioned:

6-Week Marriage Masterclass:

Sharon Spano:








The Other Side of Potential Podcast: